The Second Encounter

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Jeff the Killer...

D/N was happily eating his/her food and you were sitting by the table, enjoying some breakfast.

"Oh yeah... Jeff left his knife with me. What a pity."

You examined the bloodstained blade with interest as you shoveled spoonful after spoonful of soggy cornflakes into your mouth.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"That'd better not be those two weirdos again. Pulley and Maxi or whatever their names are..."

You opened the door and then immediately slammed it shut again.

There was another timid knock.

"Y/N? I kinda really want my knife back... Please?"

You sighed exasperatedly and opened the door again.

Jeff was standing there looking quite intimidated for once.

He had bandages wrapped all around his head and was looking at you with unblinking eyes. Not that he could even blink in the first place, that is.

You crossed your arms.

"Give me one good reason why I should."

"... Pwease?"

It was just too much to hear the infamous Jeff the Killer beg in such an adorable way.

You laughed and shook your head.

"Fine, you little jerk. Now get in here before I change my mind."

His creepy cut smile became wider as he gingerly stepped in, this time invited.

Apparently, he had never been beaten by anybody until last night and was convinced that you had some sort of godlike superpowers.

BEN Drowned... In chocolate!

You were quite tuckered out from the gaming marathon plus you were suffering from food withdrawal symptoms.

And so when the doorbell rang persistently, it took some effort to reach it.

Standing before you was the little guy who you vaguely remembered chucking into your TV.

"... What do you want?"

"Doctor Smiley needs to see the medical records of that cat and proof of vaccinations," BEN said, fixing you with a glare.

You blinked once before slamming the door in his face and walking off to crawl back into bed.

The doorbell rang again.

"Y/N! Y/N, he really needs those documents!"

"To hell with your Doctor Grinny!" You moaned, turning to one side and covering your head with a pillow.

Unfortunately, the elf somehow squeezed himself through the cat flap and refused to stop tugging at the blankets until you got up to find those damn papers.

Darkie Link...

You had left school early crying because you had seen E/B/N with that risqué girl, openly kissing in the playground,

Your tears soon went away when you entered the house.

During your absence, somebody had tided up everything.

A wonderful aroma made you drift to the kitchen where you found what could only be described as a feast.

Suddenly arms wrapped around you and a wonderful voice purred:

"I hope that my cooking is better than his."

You laughed and turned around to give the surprised Dark Link a hug.

"Are you kidding? He can't even make a sandwich without my help!"

Although reluctant at first, Dark Link sat down with you and the two of you both enjoyed the food, which actually tasted pretty good.

Chuckling Jack. I mean, Laughing Jack, dammit!

You were having a bad day indeed.

Firstly, some girls at school were bullying you because... Well... They could.

While pondering about the odd monochrome clown you had seen earlier, you accidentally messed up during chemistry and set the professor alight.

Then the bus got a flat tire and you had to walk the rest of the way home.

A little blonde midget dressed up like Link almost tripped you up as he ran by with an armload of veterinary documents.

And the last straw was when you flung open the larder and found that your secret stash of candy had been found... By the ants.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, you entered your room and a jack-in-the-box fell on your head.

"What the-"

A slow tune of Pop goes the weasel began playing, even though the box wasn't wound up.

When it hit the final note, Laughing Jack popped up from behind you.

You screamed and was about to faint when you noticed that his swirly cone nose was wrapped up in at least thirty layers worth of bandages.

Instead of howling with terror, you began howling with laugher.

The monochrome clown was not amused and turned around to storm off...

Only to hit his nose on the wall because the bandage was so big that it obstructed his sight.


"It's not funny, Y/N!"

Back at the Mansion...

"-And so I'm taking away your privileges for a week! No killing and no television! You're grounded!"

With that, Slenderman stormed off.

"Falling asleep on the job... Honestly..."

Doctor Smiley grumbled to himself as he changed out of his doctor coat and flopped down on the bed.

"This couldn't be any worse..."

Then Laughing Jack ran back in.

"My nose! It hurts again! I think it's been squashed like a watermelon!" He wailed.

BEN popped out of the trash can.

"I've got the papers!" He announced, waving around a massive file.

Jeff climbed through the window.

"(Name) and I got along pretty well but her dog bit my bottom. Could you take a look at it and see if I've got rabies?"

Sally stomped in.

"You promised to have a tea party with me and Charlie! You promised!"

Smiley's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fainted on the spot with the various creepypasta still crowding around him.

"My nose! You have to do something about my nose!"

"I might have transmitted a disease from that feline!"

"Seriously though. It hurts to sit down."

"Tea party! Tea party!"

"My beautiful swirly cone nose!"

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