The First Kiss

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Jefferdoodles the Killer

You were having a terrible day indeed.

It had started ever since you came back from hospital.

Not only was it painful to kick, but some masked guy actually had the nerve to steal your cheesecake lunch!

Jeff was sweeping the floor when you came home from school, looking livid.

"Hi Y/N!" He chirped up brightly.

"DON'T TALK TO ME!" You screamed, throwing your backpack at him.

Jeff and D/N both looked at you as you stormed upstairs and then at each other.

"Must be PMT."


The psychotic killer's smile widened.

"I know the perfect way to cheer Y/N up!"

The dog cocked its head to one side in confusion.

Five minutes later, you came back downstairs with a huge craving for chocolate.

Instead, you found a note with a huge smiley face on it.


The whole house seemed to rumble.

You grabbed the nearest machete knife and strode into the lounge.

Jeff's messy mop of black hair could be seen over the top of the couch.

Knowing fully well that creepypastas couldn't be killed, you crept closer and closer.


The machete went swinging down.

There was a yelp and then suddenly your dog was jumping over the couch and running upstairs.

You looked down to realize that the hair was a wig. There was also a metal pot underneath, which had prevented D/N from getting decapitated.

"What the-"

Suddenly Jeff spun you around from behind and into a kiss.

You struggled out of his grip and spluttered:

"What the hell was that for?"

"Mistletoe," Jeff said innocently, pointing up.

You looked up and indeed there was a sprig of mistletoe hanging up from the ceiling fan.

Jeff took a step back, expecting you to start swinging around the knife while scolding him for putting D/N's life in danger.

Instead you pulled him closer into another kiss.

"Y/N, I-"

You put a finger over his lips.


The machete knife was suddenly inches from his throat.

"Now where did you hide my chocolate?"

BEN Drowned... In your loving gaze!

You were looking around everywhere for your little elf slave- I mean BEN.

"BEN! BEN! I need you to pick up some more Chapstick! My lips are-"

Suddenly he popped up out of nowhere and planted a kiss on your lips.

"They're just fine, Y/N!" He grinned.

You blinked in surprise before grabbing him and kissing the adorable little fella back.

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