When You're On Your Monthly

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[ Part 111, ooh! Major warning for the mention of bananas. Don't read if you're a recovering banana-holic! Without further ado... A cookie for @wild_anonymous! (.:::.) ]

Jeff the Killer

Jeff poked his head through the window. "Hey, Y/N? Can I borrow a banana?"

D/N was running laps around the lounge with a giant ice cream tub stuck over his/her head. You were curled up in a fetal position on the couch.

"-It's banana smoothie night at the mansion." Your oblivious boyfriend continued. "But Zalgo and Kagekao nicked our whole stock of fruit."

"That's nice," you replied flatly. Then you fell face first into a couch cushion, groaning while clutching your abdomen.

"Turns out- Zalgo's having a banana smoothie night too! Can you believe it? He totally ripped us off! And we're not even invited!" Jeff still didn't get it.

In the background, D/N slammed headfirst into your evacuating fridge (it was being stolen) and got knocked out cold. BEN stuck a hand out from behind the unit and hopefully groped the ice cream tub, disappointed to learn of its emptiness.

Meanwhile, you were getting sick of Jeff's obnoxious chatting. He was just trying to be friendly, you knew, but at the same time - even the mere sound of his voice drove you nuts.

You abruptly got up and cut him off mid-sentence (he was talking about how creepypastas took banana smoothie night very seriously) and stormed over to the table.

It was that time. When the devil's ultimate scheme came to life and opened a floodgate of pure hell and raging damnation. Okay, perhaps that's going little overboard...

You grabbed the whole fruit bowl and promptly lobbed it at him before he could start to utter another word.

Jeff yelped and ducked. The ceramic bowl soared over his head.


He twisted around to have a look. "Ooh! Thanks for the bananas, Y/N! Slenderp was gonna have my head in a jar for letting Zalgo into-"

The relieved Jeff turned back to face the window, only to have a large banana hit him square over the face like a boomerang.

He squeaked a little revelation of, "Oh! It's that time of the month!", before toppling over and falling on an unspecified (very squishy) fruit.

Grumbling a spiffy set of instructions about where he could 'shove his damn bananas', you slammed the window shut and proceeded upstairs to wallow in grouchiness.

As for Jeff? He was happy. Because of the bananas.

And he was used to your loving assault and battery.

BEN Drowned... In w- wa- wat- Wattpad?

After a busy fridge-stealing expedition, BEN was prepared for a comfy night of yum-yum binging while watching the midnight twerking channel.

Life had other plans for him.

Or rather, you did. Your reaction to hell's bringing was even worse - you turned into somewhat of an animal. A possessive animal. And the television was your precious.

The little elf wandered/fled from the lounge with a nosebleed a few minutes later, having accidentally headbutted a table edge in his haste.

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