When They Found The Death Note...

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(Okay, so here's the thing. I was going to do the last one; "When He Does Your Makeup," then realized that I don't know how to put on anything except lip gloss...

So instead, here's a suggestion by TheNightPhantom, who has already received a cookie to add to her growing collection. Enjoy this short for reaching 200K views! XD)

~Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note, nor any of its dangerous notebooks.~

Starring: Jeff The Kira, BEN Drowned... In Apples? Dark Link~ and Laughing L.

It was a dull afternoon in the windy park. A swing was slowly rocked back and forth by the lofty air, creaking on its rusty hinges.

Jeff sat motionlessly on the framework itself, gripping the rough railing to stop himself from toppling backwards.

He waited for someone to show up, not very picky about who they were. He'd already met his quota, but wanted bonus points from an extra kill. Slendy wasn't happy about Y/N's house burning down.

He waited. And waited. Swung himself down from the old swing set to eat an apple. Then climbed back up and continued waiting.

Well this is boring...

And then the Death Note fell on - or rather, bounced off - his head.

He yelped in understandable shock and accidentally let go of the railing. Before he knew it, he was tumbling towards the muddy ground.


"Ew! Ew! Ew! My dry-clean-only hoodie! I wasn't supposed to get this one dirty! Dark Link's gonna kill me!"

The Death Note landed on the wet pavement. Some particles of stone were stuck to its cover, but other than that it was completely unharmed.

Jeff emerged from the mud with a squelch and immediately proceeded towards the book, intending to stab it through its papery heart for ruining his hoodie.

"You think you're so smart, huh? Well, take this!"

He tried to stab it, but his knife's handle was caked in mud and too slippery to hold. Frustrated, the psychotic killer threw it over his shoulder and knelt down to engage in close combat with the Death Note.

Unbeknownst to him, his airborne knife went straight through the head of a guy who was running away with an elderly woman's handbag, just as the old lady screetched in a manly voice for him to stop in the name of Jesus Christ.

The thief dropped dead instantly.

The little granny hobbled over, snatched up her handbag, then triumphantly went off. Fresh out of jail for beating up a police officer during the heat of the animal shelter riots, she was unfazed by the blood and gore.

Meanwhile, Jeff had lost the fight due to the fact that his opponent was a supernatural book.

So he did the next best thing and stormed off with it, intending to chuck it into the creepypasta mansion's incinerator at the first chance he got.

~Le Phantom-Induced Timeskip~

Jeff managed to avoid crossing paths with Dark Link by clambering up the highest tree, then taking a leap of faith onto his own bedroom's windowsill.

Yes, windowsill. There was no window anymore, for reasons which are best left unsaid.

Once he deduced that his personal safety was secure, he gave a quiet victory cheer and proceeded towards the door, still holding the Death Note.

Then he stopped to mentally gloat.

Ha! And Darkness thinks he has a radar for detecting whenever someone does something he told them not to do - like mucking up clothes!

Well, boo-hoo if he has to take this hoodie all the way back to the dry-cleaners; I'll just let BEN or Hoodie take the blame!

Dark Link, who had nicely positioned himself against the closed door in a way that ensured it would stay closed, cleared his throat.

"You're thinking out loud again, Jeff," He said sweetly, reaching back to draw his sword from its sheath.

The lovably inattentive killer could only mutter two words.

"Oh nuts..."

"I told you it was raining yesterday. I told you not to wear anything white. I told you to stay away from the dry-clean only hoodie~"

"D-Don't- don't p-point your sword at me like that! HELP! HELP! I'M ABOUT TO BECOME SHISH-KEBAB!"

Let's just say that the notebook ended up getting "misplaced" somehow, and ended up in the possession of none other than one little BEN Drowned.

While Jeff ran from a furious Dark Link, the little blonde midget had been sprinting after them, recording it all for YouTube.

He tripped over the Death Note and ended up falling on top of it with an adorable squeak of surprise.

"Waaah! Owie! Wait, is it edible?"

BEN looked it over with a critical eye, then shrugged and tore out a chunk of the corner with his teeth.

"Ew! It tastes like mud and paper!"

He spat out a little gob of notebook, then dropped it on the floor and went off to hunt for his camera, which had rolled off somewhere when he fell over.

Presently, L.J came along and found the partially-eaten-and-muddy Death Note. Unable to resist nosing through anything that looked personal, he stooped down to pick it up.

"Ooh! What's this?"

He leafed through a few pages, then his feathery shoulders sagged.

"Aww... It's empty!"

Looking thoroughly disappointed, he ripped into it with his claws, dropped it back on the floor, and continued on his merry way, whistling a tune through his teeth.

The last person to cross paths with the deadly notebook was Dark Link, who'd caught up with Jeff and made him very sorry for giving him extra work.

"Who left this battered old thing lying on the floor? It's torn to ribbons! And- And someone took a bite out of it?"

He gingerly picked it up by a corner and flung the Death Note out of a nearby window. With a loud splash, it fell right into one of the swimming pools.

Darkness dusted off his hands and went off to find a mop to clean up all the mud and blood.

The mud was from Jeff trekking it in. As for the blood... Well... It was also from Jeff, but I'd rather not talk about it...

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is an account of exactly what happened when the creepypastas stumbled across the Death Note. If you ask me, they should've watched more anime.

The End.

A/N: Wait! Let me explain myself before I get pelted with burnt cookies for bad behaviour!

I've been out all day, for several days in a row. I haven't actually had time to write at all! And wow, this book reached the 200K milestone quicker than I expected!

I've still gotta figure out exactly what's gonna happen at the reunion. Oh well. Until the next update, Smiley and Smirky will have to wait!

[Have you read the Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios books of claire_fallen_angel and YukaTheReaper yet?]

That's my defence for no writing. Thanks for being patient with meh, you awesome readers out there! I promise I'll have an actual scenario chapter out as soon as possible! XD



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