Special Chapter: Milestone Mayhem! (Part Apple)

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[Are you excited? I sure am! This will make up for that halfhearted Christmas special! I wrote that in a night; I've written this in a month! Unfortunately, I had to split this into fricken' parts, because of major issues with crashing and otherwise unresponsive text. Please promise me you'll read them all!]

P a r t  O n e
NEWS: And now, images of this horrifying crime scene!
These photos are not for the faint of heart!
We are definitely not building up anticipation just to make sure that you won't change the channel!

Gory news was the creepypasta equivalent of Saturday morning cartoons. Nose pressed to the screen, Sally's eyes twinkled with delight. "Yay! Blood!"

All 'dem pictures depicted the same thing, just from all sorts of different angles.

The center subject? A mutilated body, belonging to a raven-haired male college student. He might've been handsome at some point, but now it was impossible to tell.

His clothes had been torn to shreds, his whole chest bashed in with a brick. Burns and lacerations all over him, presumably inflicted by someone very, very passionate about doing a thorough job.

"These injures were antemortem," the reporter helpfully reminded. "He died from pain and blood loss."

His dismembered body parts were found in an alley, arranged to look like they were still attached. A broken heart had been clumsily finger-painted on the wall behind him. In red.

Was this a new creepypasta's doing?

Or, even better, a human serial killer?

"If it's a person, I wanna catch them! It'll be fun!" The little girl sprang to her feet, eager to tell everyone who would listen - and everyone who didn't want to listen but had no choice anyway.

The little girl ran as fast as her feet would carry her, disappearing around the corner in a swish of brown hair. She was in such a hurry; she left the T.V on.

NEWS: -This just in!
A robbery committed by a ghostly cat has been reported at (laboratory name)!
Investigators are questioning the sanity of the eye-witnesses as we speak.


"You're allergic to penguins?" Smiley sounded incredulous.

With clawed hands laced over his mouth and nose, a sheepish Zalgo nodded. Then he gave a little kitten-like sneeze, followed by another, and another.

The adorable penguin honked loudly and waddled around in oblivious circles. It had been shipped back to the mansion inside a cardboard box.

Assaulted with a rapid succession of squeaky-sneezes, the prince of darkness beat his wings double speed and shot up, bracing himself against the ceiling.

"Get that abomi- ACHOO! -nation away fro- ACHOO! -m-me!"

"You've obviously gone crazy... Can I call you a mad doctor now?" Smirky sounded innocent, but the venom in his voice was undeniably hidden beneath.

The illusionist had hoisted himself up onto the surgery table, pulling his legs away from the honky-happy penguin as it toddled up to him.

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