chapter 30

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I sit beside Fred and opposite George, looking up at both boys as everyone arounds me look at me in disappointment or fear.

"What would you do if I was the Heir of Slytherin?" I ask.

"I would lock you up and get you to give me answers" Fred jokes, but I shake my head.

"What if I was? But I didn't know. And I didn't know I was doing the attacks. If I was hurting all Muggle-borns and half-bloods?" I ask.

"Hey, it's not you" George says, but Fred lifts my chin up with his finger.

"You would never hurt anyone in this school unless they hurt you first. You're not the Heir of Slytherin because you're too kind, but fierce at the same time. You're not Slytherin material, but at the same time, you are. And you're my best friend. I wouldn't believe it even if it were happening right in front of me" Fred says and kisses my forehead sweetly, making me blush lightly.

"Thank you. But you didn't need to prepare a whole speech for me" I say, chuckling.

"I would say 1000 speeches for you" Fred says and winks at me. I wink back and smile.

"I... Want... Blood" I heard the voice say and get up.

"Are you okay?" George asks.

"They all must die!" the voice says.

"Yeah, I just need to go" I say, pecking Fred's cheek and George's head before leaving.

"Kill" the voice says as I follow the sound, running around the castle "Kill. Time to kill" the voice says. I turn a corner, but see Harry holding a book and Sir Nicholas floating in the air, spinning slowly in circles. Justin was also there, laying on the floor, looking ghost white and completely frozen.

"Justin" I say and lean down, looking carefully at him "Petrified?" I ask Harry, who was looking at Justin's hand, running his fingers around it.

"Caught in the act" Filch says "I'll have you out this time, Potter and Potter. Mark my words" Filch says and goes back to where he came from.

"No. Mr Filch! Y- Y- you don't understand!" Harry tries but Filch obviously isn't going to listen.

Harry looks curiously at the ground and I do the same, seeing a bunch of spiders running to the wall. I almost scream in fear as I am terrified of spiders. Harry goes in front of me and walks to the wall, looking at the spiders going over the wall and out the other side. I look to the left when hearing footsteps and see McGonagall and Filch coming to us, looking at Nick and Justin.

"Professor..." Harry starts but stops.

"We swear we didn't" I say.

"This is out of my hands, Potter and Potter" McGonagall says.

She leads us to the west towers and takes us to Dumbledore's office, stopping just in front of it.

"Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you" McGonagall says and gestures to the statue. Me and Harry walk to it, standing just under it "Sherbet Lemon" McGonagall says, stairs going up appearing. Me and Harry step on one of the stairs as if it were an escalator, going to the top.

Me and Harry see the giant wooden door and walk to it, hesitantly opening the door and peeping our head through, looking around the giant office I was once familiar with.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry calls.

We both step forward and I close the door, walking forwards and seeing the sorting hat perched on a high shelf, looking down on us.

"Bee in your bonnet, Potter?" The hat asks, looking at us suspiciously.

"I- I was just wondering if you put me in the right house" Harry says.

"Yes. You were particularly difficult to place. But I stand by what I said last year. You would have done well in Slytherin" the dusty hat says.

"You're wrong" Harry says.

"What's wrong with Slytherin house anyway? I mean, I only have 1 friend and she's great, and Some Slytherins hate me but it's not terrible" I say.

Me and Harry turn our attention to Fawkes, both of us seeing him standing on his stand thing. He looks really old, but that problem solves when he bursts into flames and his ashes drop to a plate of dust below where he was just standing.

"Harry? Y/N?" Dumbledore calls, who is standing from a railing up a flight of stairs. I look up at him, smiling, then get a little worried because of why me and Harry are here.

"Professor. Sir... Your bird... There was nothing we could do. He just caught fire!"

"Oh, and about time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day" Dumbledore says, walking down the stairs to get to us. Harry looks at Dumbledore with confusion "Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Y/N already knows about him when she came to this office just a year ago. They burst into flames when it is time for them to die... And then they are... Reborn from the ashes" Dumbledore says as he stands next to us, pointing to the ashtray. We look at it and a baby phoenix emerges, squawking lightly "Ahh. Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, though, their... Their tears have healing powers"

The door suddenly opened as Hagrid came in, holding a dead chicken? What on earth was he doing with a dead chicken?

"Professor Dumbledore, sir! Wait! Listen!" Hagrid pleads as he runs to me, Harry and Dumbledore "Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn't Harry or Y/N"

"Hagrid-" Dumbledore calls.

"In fact, I'd be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic" Hagrid interrupts.

"Hagrid! Relax. I do not believe... That Harry... Or Y/N attacked anyone"

"Of course you don't. And... Oh. Oh, right. Well, I'll, um" Hagrid cleared his throat "I'll just wait outside, then" Hagrid says.

"Yes" Dumbledore says lightly as Hagrid leaves the office.

"You don't think it was us, professor?" Harry asks.

"No, Harry. I do not think it was either of you. But I must ask you... Is there... Something you wish to tell me?" Dumbledore asks.

Me and Harry contemplate in our minds whether to tell Dumbledore or not, but we both knew that we shouldn't.

"No sir. Nothing" Harry says lightly. Dumbledore nods his head a few times.

"Very well then. Off you go" Dumbledore says.

"I'll come in a minute. I wanna ask professor something" I say to Harry. He nods his head and leaves.

"What troubles you, my dear?" Dumbledore asks.

"I'm worried that I'm the heir. I'm the only Parselmouth in the school, other than Harry and I'm a Slytherin. What if I'm making the attacks happen without knowing?" I ask.

"You are a very kind and understanding girl. I don't think you would ever attack the students, knowingly or not. Now, off you go to that Weasley you're so fond of" Dumbledore says, smiling.

I smile back and leave the office, running to the Great Hall.

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