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Iris Campbell was everyone's dream girl.

Iris Campbell had the life that girl's dreamed of.




A Kook through and through, there was no denying that.

She was deemed the Kook Princess, which eventually turned into the Kook Queen once she started dating Rafe.

She came out of the womb with a membership to the Kildare Country Club.

Her mom, Lily, was a Kook through and through, same with her grandparents. Lily turned out to be a fancy pants lawyer, just like her parents before her.

Her dad, Rich, on the other hand, grew up on the Cut, alongside Ward Cameron. He worked hard to get himself into a position where he didn't have to worry about money. He and Ward had dreamed of it as teens, and here they were, on top. Rich went through medical school and became a surgeon.

Iris had high expectations to live up to.

The first friend that Iris had was Rafe. He was a year older than her, and they were destined to be friends from the beginning.

Her second, was Sarah, born a year after her.

They were practically like her siblings growing up, well, actually, no. Let's clarify that. Sarah was like her sibling.

Rafe, on the other hand, she'd always secretly admired.

She had no siblings, therefore she cherished the two of them dearly.

And when Wheezie came along a few years down the line, she cherished her too. Two younger sisters that she could look out for, that she could watch over.

The Cameron's were her second family, and she liked to assume that her family was the Cameron's second family.

Anyways enough with the background information. Let's dive in, shall we?

Iris woke up to Rafe humming in the shower. Something he only did once in awhile, but it was an indicator that he was genuinely happy, so, she liked hearing it. The sun was shining through the cream coloured curtains that had always been in his room. Rafe's room was plain, but it suited him.

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