Chapter 30: The dinner and new residence

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No ones Pov.
Aoi and Nakano grabbed some kicthen aprons with Nakano having her black hair up in a pony tail

Aoi's Pov.

I was in the kicthen with Mengs mom preparing the food that Meng had brought from the market and I immediately noticed something. *chop*chop*chop*chop*chop*. She was really fast. She was cutting up the vegetables into perfect slices. What are we having again. Ms Nakano asked me. I then took out the peice of salmon Meng bought. Of course. That's his usual favorite. Ms Nakano chuckles as she prepared the spices. You can head in the dinning room if you want, I can handle things from here. She stated with a smile. Nah no need. Im good at cookin because...well that is the only thing I am good at. I stated while preparong the stations. I then noticed that Ms Nakano gave me a look of dought. She then walked by me with a smile. What's so funny? I asked confused. Oh nothing. She responded as she got me a knife as we both then started to cut up the salmon.

Everthing then became silence which was really akward so I'm going to try and break it. So you cook alot? I asked as I prepared each cut of salmon. Yes. I used to cook when I was working at the town Meng used to live in. Infact him and my husband would alwas leave me to cook everything for them. Ms Nakano stated with a smile. Hey out of curiosity what was that town called. I asked in as I was checking on the rice. We called it Aurora town. She stated as she got a few more peices. and how long did you work there. I tacked another question. Oh me and my husband was there about a decade. But I think it was four years ago when we met that little blue boy. She stated with a smile. You mean Meng? I asked her. Bingo. She stated with a smile. And he would also not cook for himself and relies on others to cook for him? I asked her which Made her turn around and sighed. Is he also making you cook for him. She asked me.

I then went on to rant. Yeah he said he never liked his own cooking but he absolutely loves my cooking. Which honestly makes me happy. I stated with a shrug. Yeah I can understand that. Ohhh it was like it was yesterday when I remembered Meng first trying my food. Nakano stated while spinning her knife. What was his reaction. I asked her. Oh he scarfed it down like if it was his last meal. She said jokingly which made us both laugh. But yeah Meng wasn't that great of a cook back in the day. So my husband decided to teach him. Now I'm not saying he was a bad cook but my husband's food was the type where it just taste common. Nakano stated while getting the oil on the Pan. Really? When I had his food it tasted amazing. I stated seasoning the salmon. Well actually now that I think about it Meng did mentioned how he didn't like his own cooking because he kept eating it so it would make sense that his food tasted good for the rest of us because we barly have his food. I stated as I got the bowls ready.

I then stacked onto the other question. How long were you married to your husband. I asked Nakano. Well actually a year before we lived at the town,  we got married. But most of my and his family members wouldn't allow us to get married because he wasnt Rich and I wasn't a appropriate wife. She then stopped everything and turned to me. But we heard from my mother about how in japan there was a place called aurora town and how anyone that was diffrent or normal can be accepted in. When we got there it turns out those rumors are true, Everyone treated eachother with respect and even if you are just passing thru most of the people we're friendly. Nakano then continued on with the story as we both cooked our pieces of salmon in different pans.

Nakano would then sigh while waving her knife. But of course there was some people that would disobey the laws and would always turn racism into violence and there would be demons so we had a  certain group protect us. Nakano stated as she then prepared the cooked rice inside the bowls. I guess she means the demon slayers. I thought to myself as I helped her. But a few months before the town was destroyed I had to go to my father's funeral and I wanted to help my mom out a bit to run a shop that her and my father would run because my other siblings refused to help. They would always be so cruel to her. All because of the race of the person she chosed to marry. Ms Nakano stated while putting the salmon over rice.

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