Chaoter 57: History repeats itself.

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No ones Pov.
As the group teleports to an abandoned building. Kanao and Míng jíe were trying there best to keep Aoi awake as thy ey were running with Misaki to the basement. You guys better save her! Míng jíe yells as Misaki responds with reassurance. Don't worry, I've saved a bunch of lives before. He says as Kanao chimes in. Oh yeah, like when? She asks as Mísaki holds up 4 fingers. One of these four was because of the black soldier. Apparently he rammed someone's back to a sharp corner, I managed to save his life but he is a vegetable now. Misaki says as everyone looked at Jackson in disbelief.

Who can only shrug and smile while taking the credit.

Jackson: In my defense I hate loosing.

Cho: That's the worst defense in the history of defense.

Takeo: A dog can name a better defense.

Míng jíe: Tsuyuri's dead boyfriend can make a better defense.


The side conversation kept everyone occupied while they turned the corner. *BONK*. Míng jíe accidentally hits Aoi head at a pipe as Kanao was alarmed. Give me, I don't trust you no more. Kanao says as Míng jíe gives Kanao Aoi's body. *THUMP* ow. But Kanao fumbles as Aoi's head on the ground. You are both terrible. Takeo says as he grabs Aoi and just drags her like a sack of potatoes. Quickly in here! Misaki yells while opening the door.

All while Aoi was getting her head bounced on the side of the walls. Why is this giving me deja vu? She wonders as Kanao had the same thought aswell. I feel like this has happened before? Kanao thinks to herself as everyone else was left behind the waiting room. The scene then changes to Takeo setting Aoi down at the table as Misaki gets his medical tools. You gonna stay? He asks as Takeo nods. I'm not leaving this one. He stated as Misaki tosses him a pair of gloves.

He would then put them on as Misaki rolls an equipment cart. Then make yourself useful and give me some light. Misaki demanded as Takeo gets to work on the sedative after he set up the lights. Po...pops. Aoi mutters as Taken looks down on her while injecting the sedative. Meanwhile Kanao enters in distress as Misaki looks up at her. How can you contribute? He asks as Kanao answers almost imeidietly. I have medical excperience and I know Aoi's blood type. Kanao says as Misaki chuckles.

He was actually happy as he opens a cooling cabinet with different bags of blood. Find her blood type and hook her up. If we don't replenish her blood, she will die. Misaki stated as he got to work while Kanao started to look. But as he lifted Aoi's shirt to expose her stomach. He notices her wound was burnt and had a few blade shards that is causing a very serious infection in her blood system. Shit, this isn't gonna be easy. Misaki says as he turns to Kanao. Let's speed this up. Misaki stated as Kanao had tears in her eyes.

The two men noticed this as Misaki walks up to her. What's wrong? He asked as Kanao looked at him. Aoi's blood type isn't here. She says as Takeo had a panic look aswell. That's shouldn't be possible. Our outpost has almost every blood type. What is exactly so special about this one? Misaki asked as Kanao stands up and went to go hold Aoi's hand. She's AB negative. Kanao says as Misaki eyes widened. I' sorry...she won't make it. Misaki says as Kanao held Aoi's hand as tightly as she possibly can.

That is until Takeo stood up and rolled up his purple and black sleeve. Go on then. He says as the two were left confused. What? Kanao asks as Takeo turns to her. I'm AB negative to, I can spare as much as you guys need. Takeo says as Misaki shakes his head. It would have been different if she was just loosing a little bit of blood and we could have used the blood bags. Misaki says as he points at the dying Aoi. But Tokyo's attack is leaving a toxin behind her blood. Basically the amount of blood I'm requiring is going to end up with you near deaths door. Misaki says as Takeo got violent and lifts him up.

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