{36}- Yae Tenzen | Liberator's Battalion

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Hello Hello!

How are you guys doing today? Did you enjoy the previous chapters? This chapter is completely, completely original as none of the events in this chapter transpired in any Re: Zero books or works.

By the way, I realized although Yen Tenzen seemed like a Japanese name, it never had a kanji version, so I kinda made my own. Here: Yae Tenzen (八重 天全)

No One's POV

A swish can be heard as the man fell, and soft footsteps sounded when the girl with pinkish red hair landed on the floor as she sheathed her kunai knives.

"Ahhh.... finally, I did it. I was starting to think I couldn't finish it."

The girl said as she smiled, and took an object on the man's body as proof of her success, before she returned towards her base, where her employer would be arriving a few hours later.

Little does she know, that what awaits her is certain death.

And only one boy can save her.



We continued our travels towards Flanders now that we've met and rescued Sphinx, and partially destroyed a Barielle mansion as well. I hope Priscilla won't track us down, but knowing her, she probably won't care a mansion that's just destroyed since it poses no threat to herself.

Oh, right, about Sphinx...

I don't know whether if it was because of my Apostle of Greed ability, but Sphinx seemed to be reacting to it, and quite strongly in some manners. I thought she would be a cold girl that's like... devoid of emotions, and I would have to teach her about that stuff like I did for Omega.

But now that seems a bit unfitting.

Because for some reason, Sphinx has been clinging to me since we met her, and she would not let go. Even my arm feels sore by this point and I even considered relieving the pain a little by Akra.

At last, I didn't comment on her erratic behaviour, and we continued towards our next target's location. But before we get there, I need to visit another place.

Within an hour, we arrived at a storage house, where I recalled an important detail from a non-canon route of Re:Zero.

The Aganau IF, a non-canon route of Re:Zero that barely anyone knew about, was discovered when I came across the topic of the Ten Swords of Power. Now that I'm in this world, the only thing left to do is to obtain the last 6 swords that have not been claimed yet.

The owner of this storage is called Count Reedback, and he greeted us as we entered the mansion's vicinity. I asked him for a trade for an item in his storage, since he is a man who likes to collect eccentric things, which means there is also a chance of finding meteors inside this place.

In exchange for my main target, I offered a diamond sword to the count, along with a pre-made sheath. I told him that the sword will not break under normal circumstances, which is against pure attacks. I believe that nobody without mana could possibly break a diamond sword just by enhancing their body without spells. There are exceptions, of course, but we don't need to talk about that.

I also offered up some grenades and bottles of hydrogen and helium, which made the Count laugh as he inhaled the helium, and his voice started sounding high-pitched. I told him not to inhale too much, of course, since it could damage his lungs. He accepted my gifts and allowed me to enter the storage, which I did.

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