{103}- Continued Arrivals | Disloyalty's Origins

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Note: In case y'all forgot some characters from our villain organization:

Cal - Schlizirkel's 12th - Sin Archbishop of Hysteria

Kolonstyl - Schlizirkel's 16th - Sin Archbishop of Discord (guy who tried to take Valgren from us)

Rey - Schlizirkel's 13th - Sin Archbishop of Apathy

Solace Ars Goetia - Formerly Schlizirkel's 11th, Capella's former lover - Wizardum Improbius, Sin Archbishop of Disloyalty

3rd Person POV

Meanwhile back in the underground tavern...

Schlizirkel's Hideout

"Where are the others..."

Kolonstyl was lazing on the couch while Cal was reading a book and giggling hysterically. Rey, on the other hand, was polishing her sword in the corner. Although the Archbishops of Schlizirkel never agreed with each other's actions and ideals, they managed to put their differences and work better than the Witch Cult, according to their leader.

But they were just as a mess as their weaker counterparts, save for the fact that they all knew something more. Something more about this world that should be considered taboo by the gods.

Just when Kolonstyl was about to activate the meteor to call the other Archbishops, the door flew open and in walked 4 of his colleagues.

"What took you guys so long?" Kolonstyl asked in annoyance before he motioned them to hurry inside and closed the door behind them.

"I was having fun taking out a bunch of pests! You know, they were trying to stop me from getting what I needed for Vanity's mission! How annoying!"

"There she goes again..." Cal joined the conversation before giving a slight giggle as if no one here already knows he's the most hysterical out of all of them.

"But that's all I had to do! Just erase them from existence! Gehehehehehehehe!"

"But that's all I had to do! Just erase them from existence! Gehehehehehehehe!"

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Aimato Vamménos Manjusaka (Saka)

Schlizirkel's 18th - Sin Archbishop of Massacre

"Oi, Gretos, did you finally manage to get her under control?"

"Don't even start on that, Styl... she and her brother are both annoying beyond measure, and I'm not their babysitter. It's just that their actions can prove to be more disgusting than the filthy low-lifes who won't stay out of my way on missions." A young man in his early twenties responded, shaking his head in annoyance.

Taking off his hood, he wore a face of displeasure before sitting down beside Cal on the couch. "Get me some booze!"

"Oooo.... Gretos, you're looking quite crazy today! What got you so stirred up, hm~?" Cal laughed as he teased his comrade, but that only ticked the man in need of alcohol even more.

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