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She just couldn't believe it. She just couldn't believe it. Out of the hundreds... the thousands of Death Eaters that are out there, HE was chosen to be their servant! She couldn't take her eyes off as Kingsley and Percy dragged Scabior into the foyer of their house. Scabior returned the stare with his smug smirk before he broke eye contact by glancing her over. Hermione felt like he was undressing her with his eyes and couldn't help but cross her arms over her chest. Before anyone could say a word, Hermione spoke up. 

"Take him back," 

"Hermione!" Ron and Harry shouted in union. Hermione flung her arms in the air. 

"No! No! I will not have him in our house. I refused to have him. Take him back." Hermione ordered Kingsley and Percy while she waved her hands in a shooing manner. Scabior pretended he was hurt by placing a hand over where his heart should be and tilt his head to the side while he had a hurt puppy dog look. Kingsley cleared his voice. 

"Sorry, Hermione but you must keep him for a minimum of a month before placing any issues. Also it has to be something other than you don't like him. Didn't Ron and Harry tell you?" Kingsley asked. Slowly Hermione turned to face Ron and Harry, who proceeded to back away from her. Hermione turned to face Kingsley again. 

"Well... what if one of the roommates, who wasn't informed or wasn't put in consideration of how she feels about the whole thing, did not want the Death Eater in her house?" Hermione asked. Kingsley shook his head. 

"They would still have to keep him or her for one month and have a more serious charge than 'I hate them' to kick them out." Kingsley answered her while Percy removed Scabior's cuffs. Scabior gently rubbed his wrists as he tried to take a few steps closer to the Golden Trio but Percy quickly pressed his wand against Scabior's throat. 

"You remember the rules. You kill or hurt or even attempt to do so to them you can find yourself being put to death right where you stand. Also follow what rules they set for you, got it?" Kingsley asked him. Scabior nodded that he understood. Kingsley turned towards them. 

"Don't hesitate in sending an owl or emergency flare to get someone's help." Kingsley told them before Percy and Kingsley made their leave... and left them alone with Scabior.  

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