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Hermione and Scabior had fallen asleep after hours of waiting on Fenrir to get out of surgery. Hermione was leaned into Scabior's side, her head pressed against his shoulder. Scabior laid his head on top of her own with his arms wrapped around her, pulling her tighter against his side. Soon the sound of footsteps caused Hermione to flicker her eyes opened to see Scabior's grandma and Harry and Ron walking towards them. Hermione slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, which woke up Scabior. 

"Hello, guys. Any word?" Rose asked them. Hermione shook her head. 

"Not yet. We're hoping we'll hear something very soon." Hermione admitted to them. Rose nodded in understanding as Hermione and Scabior stood up from their seats. Before anyone could say a word, a nurse walked over towards them. 

"Are you guys here about Mr. Greyback?" She asked them. Hermione jolted a bit as she stood behind Scabior, who was all perked up. 

"Yes! How is he? Is he going to be alright or what?" Scabior asked, nervously shaking a bit. Hermione placed her hands on Scabior's shoulders, ready to hear in on what the Healer had to say to them. 

"He's still in intensive care, but it looks like he is going to make a full recovery in time." The healer explained to them. Scabior released his breath as he turned quickly around and hugged Hermione as tightly as possible. Hermione hugged back, lightly brushing the end of his hair. 

"He's going to be okay! He's going to be okay!" Scabior cheered as he buried his face into the crook of Hermione's neck. Hermione smiled as she hugged tighter. She was thrilled of the news and happy that Scabior was now able to relax knowing his friend was going to be fine. 

"Oh, that's great news! Can we go see him?" Hermione asked the Healer. The Healer shook her head. 

"Right now, he's resting and he needs it to heal up from his injuries. You may try in a few hours." The healer explained to them. Hermione nodded in understanding of what she was trying to say to them. 

"Okay, we'll check in later. Why don't we get something to eat? You two look like you really need it?" Rose suggested to Scabior and Hermione. Scabior lifted his head from Hermione's shoulders. 

"Yeah... I think that's the best idea. If I sleep on that uncomfortable chair any longer, I'm going to go insane." Scabior stated, slowly releasing his hold on Hermione. Just as Hermione was releasing her hold on Scabior, she felt a light tapping on her shoulder. She turned to see Harry standing behind her, looking as if he was the bearer of bad news. 

"Can we talk for a moment?" Harry asked her, sounding even more like he was about to tell her the worse news she would ever hear in her life. She nodded as she motioned for Scabior to go on without her. When all of them had left, Hermione turned to face Harry and he didn't waste a moment as he opened his mouth to say. 

"Hermione is there something going on between you and Scabior?" 

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