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Hermione couldn't sleep a wink last night. She kept dreaming these horrible dreams where Scabior was killed Harry and Ron and then proceeded to rape her over and over and over again for the rest of her days. She had woken up about six times till finally she gave up on sleep and proceeded to go on and do her usual routine, which began after she cleared the door from all her stuff she moved in front of it to ensure Scabior wasn't getting in. 

After she finished taking her shower and drying off and getting dress, she proceeded down the stairs. She was walking right pass the kitchen when she heard a thudding sound, causing her to pause in front of the door. She waited as she listened till another thud came into her ears. She walked into the kitchen only to stop and stare in confusion at what she was looking at. Scabior was going through the fridge and freezer and was tossing things over his shoulder and into the trash can. Hermione watched him for a minute before she came to her sense and found her voice. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. Scabior peered over his shoulder and held up some bagged foods. 

"Tossing out this crap. You people have no idea what good food is, do you? By the way, Harry went off to work and Ron had to deal with something involving someone... a family member I think. To be honest, I wasn't really paying a shit load attention." Scabior asked before tossing it into the trash. Hermione shook her head, furious that Harry and Ron had left her alone with Scabior. She was going to kill them when they returned.  She stormed over towards him. 

"It doesn't matter! It's still our house! You have no right to go and throw..." Hermione started when Scabior stood up and lifted up the lid of a casserole dish filled with Ron's meatballs.  Ron had been trying to be more helpful around the house and tried cooking for a week. It was the worse idea Hermione and Harry agreed to. She didn't know what he put in them, but on the first bite it felt like she bit into a rock. 

"Okay, that you can throw away. Our story is there was mold was in it." Hermione stated. Scabior snickered while he tossed the meatballs into the trash and the container into the sink. Hermione peered into the fridge and freezer and saw it was almost completely empty. Hermione shook her head. 

"Great, we'll be needing to go shopping for food again." Hermione groaned while she went and grabbed her purse. Scabior shut the doors to the fridge. 

"I'll come with you and teach you what to actually buy when it comes to food," Scabior told her. She shot him a glare. 

"You have no choice, dumbass. Under the that program code, you have to be under watchful eye. I can't believe Harry and Ron forgot about that." Hermione growled as she made sure she had everything she needed. 

"I'm not a baby. I'm a grown ass man. I can take care of myself." Scabior argued. 

"You're a grown ass killer and killers need to be watched at all times." Hermione shot at him. 

"Technically, I never killed anyone." Scabior stated.

"Technically you brought people to their deaths by handing them over to the ministry." Hermione snapped at him before pushing him in front of her, "You are going to behave yourself. If you misbehave, I'll have to punish you." 

Hermione lifted her head as she noticed Scabior was smirk and had a strange lustful beam in his eye. She stiffened when she realized exactly what was going in his head and roughly slapped him with her purse. 

"You are a perv! Let's get this over with!" Hermione ordered him as she pushed towards the front door, already having enough of him being here. 

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