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McGonagall watched as her students proceeded to vanish to the Ministry after she wished them good luck. Even though she didn't say anything, McGonagall had a feeling something bad was about to happen. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, but she knew in her bones this something was going to be terrible. McGonagall turned her head as she looked over to Miss Lupin. 

"Why don't you go and rest for a bit? You've been up all night, looking after Mister Greyback." McGonagall suggested to Hope. Hope shook her head. 

"I couldn't possibly leave you to do all the work for Fenrir. I believe I should help alongside you." Hope told her. McGonagall lightly patted her shoulders. 

"It would be wise to allow yourself some rest. You won't be any help if your body is fighting against you for their basic needs." McGonagall claimed to Hope. Hope, thankfully, nodded her head and agreed with McGonagall before walking inside the house. Once Hope has vanished into the house, McGonagall held out her wand as she held it up into the air. She began to mumble a protection charm around the house. She watched as the blue shield started to form from the sky to the ground. As soon as the shield was up, McGonagall lowered her wand and proceeded to walk into the house to the kitchen where Fenrir was. 

She scurried into the kitchen until she paused when her eyes landed on the empty table where Fenrir was supposed to be laying. She peered around the kitchen before she began calling out for him. She wandered about the house, feeling like she was back in school chasing after Mr. Black and Mr. Potter (James) or Mr. Potter (Harry) and Mr. Weasley. She finally found herself on a balcony on the third floor where she found him. He was leaning against the railing, gazing up at the sky. She knew that he knew that trouble was brewing. 

"Mr. Greyback, do you think it wise to be out here when you're supposed to recover?" McGonagall asked him as she waked towards him. He tilted his head to the side as he shrugged his shoulders. 

"I like the cold air. Feels good on my skin. Besides, I know you sense it. Troubles upon us, Professor. Best we're prepared for when it comes." Fenrir stated to her. She nodded her head as she glanced up at the sky. 

"Thank you," She mumbled. Fenrir shot her a look. 

"For what?" he asked. 

"For watching over Remus when he was at the castle." McGonagall explained, "I admit at first, I thought you were trying to kidnap Mr. Lupin. Until I found you sneaking chocolates into his room or gifts. Especially when you help hook up Tonks with Mr. Lupin." 

He nodded. 

"Thank you as well." He told her. 

"For what?" 

"For everything I couldn't do. For being understanding when he was tired or upset after and before the full moon and couldn't be on his full game. Making sure he didn't try anything stupid... most of the time. And also for being there when I couldn't watch over him during the full moon since I figured if we crossed each other's path, we would get into a heated fight and I didn't want to hurt the lad. Especially when you decided to become an animagus just to do it." Fenrir stated to her. She nodded her head.  

"I'm a bit curious though," she spoke up as she turned to look at him, "Why did you joined the Dark Lord? I mean the man thought Half-Breeds were beneath him." 

Fenrir shook his head while turning so his back was against the railing. 

"I was promised a better life for werewolves. I was looking out for my pack. I thought by him offering me more members I could help create a place where werewolves could live in peace. I don't know. It sounded perfect at the time but now it sounds stupid." Fenrir stated to her. McGonagall walked over till he was right in front of him. 

"I understand. I still think you were foolish, but I understand." McGonagall stated to him. She was then caught off guard when Fenrir roughly pushed her to the ground. As soon as she landed on her back, she watched as a bright green light came flying over her and slammed right into Fenrir's chest. The last thing she saw was Fenrir flying through the railing as he made his way to the ground below. 

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