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Dinnertime couldn't come soon enough. Scabior was ready to blurt the entire confession out to everyone in the world. He was done hiding his feelings for Hermione and she felt the same way he did. He didn't care what anyone would say about them being with each other or anything like that. What exactly could they do? They couldn't very well force Hermione to get out of it. It's her life and she can live it however she wanted to. 

Scabior had set the table from the silverware to the plates and glassware to the food. He brushed his hands against each other as he listened to people start to head into the dining hall.  Remus, Tonks and Hope decided to stop by to have dinner with them and to check in on Fenrir and see how he was doing. Given that Fenrir and Harry (who had the first scoop by accident) heard about their relationship, it left Ron, Remus, Tonks and Hope to be told of their relationship status. 

"Okay, dinner is served everybody." Hermione said as she headed to her seat. Scabior sat beside her so she knew he was right beside her and could trust him to have her back. Once everyone sat down, Hermione cleared her throat. 

"Before we begin, Scabior and I have something to tell you guys," Hermione spoke up, earning everyone's attention. 

"What's that, darling?" Tonks asked while she took a roll and started to munch on it as she kept her stare on her. Hermione took hold of Scabior's hand from underneath the table for extra courage. 

"Well as you all know... when Scabior and I first met... we wanted to kill each other..." 

"Actually mostly she wanted to kill me, I had no problem with her." Scabior cut in. Hermione shot him a side glare, causing him to give her a puppy-dog 'I'm sorry but not really' look at her. 

"However, throughout the months of being with each other... we started to grow closer with each other... real close," Hermione stated to them, pausing to see if they would have any sort of reaction. She could see Harry was leaning in his chair, trying to ignore what she was saying to the whole group, Fenrir was munching on bits of dinner, Ron narrowed his eyes in his usually confused dumb face, but Remus, Tonks and Hope had a blank face that was too hard to understand what they were thinking. 

"I'm going to come out and say it... Scabior and I are now in a relationship." Hermione finally blurted out. The only reaction she got was Ron's eyes widening but everyone else seemed like this was old news. 

"And?" Remus asked. Hermione and Scabior looked at each other bewildered. 

"And? And what? That's it!" Hermione stated, shaking her hands in front of her in frustration. She couldn't believe how they were behaving like this. 

"Okay... Harry can you passed the stuffed mushrooms please?" Hope asked while she reached her hand out for Harry to pass her the plate of stuffed mushrooms. 

"Wait a minute! What the bloody hell's going on? Aren't you surprise with this?" Scabior asked, nervously snickering to himself. Remus, Tonks and Hope responded with a nod of 'no' or mumbles of a 'not really'. 

"To be honest, guys, Fenrir told Remus and me about you two." Hope admitted. Scabior and Hermione turned to face Fenrir. Fenrir looked unfazed as he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Quote the Scabior, 'Oops...'" Fenrir said, taking a shot Scabior. 

"Then how did Tonks know?" Hermione asked, pointing at Tonks. 

"Actually, Tonks knew before the two of us." Remus confessed. Scabior and Hermione turned to look at her. Tonks was finishing her bread before she spoke. 

"Well, it was clear Scabior had a thing for Hermione. I mean the way he looks at her is a big give away," Tonks pointed out, "then the way Hermione was willing to help Scabior out with his situations along with how you two were looking out for each other was another giveaway." 

Scabior couldn't help but start to snicker. After all, he had thought they had kept a low profile, but truth was, people knew long before they even told them. Of course, Fenrir helped by opening his mouth. However, the moment changed when Ron opened his mouth. 

"Are you kidding me?" Ron asked, "You're seriously going out with this guy? This bloody bastard, who had wanted to sell you without caring at all?" 

"Ron, he's a better man than he was before. He's shown that multiple times and I'm willing to forgive him for his past mistakes." She stated to Ron. Scabior kept his hold on Hermione's hand, knowing that if he didn't keep hold of it then he was going to jump over the table to bash Ron's head in. Ron shook his head. Clearly unable to understand where Hermione was coming from, Ron stood up and storm out of the room without even excusing himself. 

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