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Hermione roaming through the house paused when she heard the sound of a violin playing. She turned her direction to where the music was playing from. She round a few corner till she was outside a room the music was coming from. She carefully opened the door and peered inside. Her eyes landed on Scabior standing in front of the window, carefully playing a violin. She didn't understand what was happening with her, but it was like she was in a trance of some sort. The lovely melody he played seemed to pull her into the room as she slowly proceeded towards him. She gently raise her hand up till she lightly placed it against his shoulder blades. 

He jolted as he suddenly stopped his playing and turned to peer over his shoulder to see her. For a moment, they just stood there in silence until Hermione cleared her throat. 

"You play wonderfully." Hermione told him. He lowered his head and scoffed. 

"Whatever. It's nothing." Scabior claimed while setting it down roughly.  She winced when the violin was flung carelessly to the floor. She was stunned it didn't shatter from the impact. Scabior proceeded to wander around the room, looking around the room for something else to mess with. Hermione was surprised with his outburst. She would have thought with his Grandmothers' happiness to have him back would brighten his mood but it only seemed to darken. She followed behind him. 

"Um... aren't you happy to know your Grandmas are happy to see you?" Hermione asked. He chuckled. 

"Their happiness doesn't exactly erases the way my parents hated my guts since the day I was born or the years of harassment and bullying from people because they thought I was a spoiled brat." Scabior mumbled. Hermione sighed. 

"I know they mistreated you but that does not excuse you for what you did with the Snatchers or that kid you murdered at Hogwarts."  Hermione told him. She could see Scabior roll his eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm the dumbass, who didn't use his brain. I'm the dumb ape and you're the brilliant one. Is that what you want to hear?" Scabior shot at her. Hermione's eyes widened. She could't believe he was acting this way. Her eyes narrowed as she stormed up towards him. 

"You do not get to play the damn victim card here! You think since you had a bad life that you can also make life unbearable for others? Others who have no idea who the bloody hell you are or even did anything to you in your life!" Hermione shouted at him as she roughly slapped her hands against his chest and pushing him in the corner, "Do you know what the hell you did to me? You joined with the Death Eaters, who hunted me and my friends and my family down, and for what? Money! I had to erase my parents' minds of me and had them moved off somewhere else to avoid them being hunted down and killed.  I almost never got them back because at first I couldn't find them then when I did, I had a hard time returning their memories. Also I was always on guard because I was worried about snatchers or Death Eaters breathing down our necks and if we so much as thought about taking a break that we wouldn't get out of this situation alive!" 

Hermione stopped as she gasped for air, feeling the tears streaming down her face. She couldn't help as she laid her forehead against his chest. She hadn't been able to vent these pent up emotions. She had thought she had gotten them all under control but it appears like she never did. It was then she admitted that was the real reason she never wanted any of the Death Eaters and Snatchers in their homes. She didn't want any reminders of the hell she had to endure just to finish the war. She felt Scabior lifting his arms as he gently wrapped them  around her torso. One hand lightly brushed her side while the other brushed the back of her head as he placed the side of his face against the top of her head. For a moment, they stood there in complete silence till... 

"Scabior if you're trying to get into her pants, you're doing a terrible job." Sophia called out, causing them to dart their heads to see her standing in the doorway. 

"Grandma! I'm not! I'm trying to comfort her." Scabior mumbled. 

"Oh, then you're doing a wonderful job." Sophia stated while she began to turn around, "I came to tell you the guests are arriving for the funeral." 

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