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Scabior and Hermione proceeded downstairs where people all dressed in black were arriving. Hermione couldn't help but take hold of his hand, feeling a bit nervous and out of place among them. Rose and Blanche were greeting people at the door while Dorothy and Sophia were helping with food placements. They reached the bottom step when Sophia was rounding the corner with an empty tray. 

"Don't look now, but your Aunt Jennifer is here." Sophia mumbled as she proceeded to head off somewhere.  Hermione was a bit confused till Scabior cursed under his breath. 

"Great, this is now officially going to be a shit show." Scabior mumbled while giving her a death glare, "You're going to really owe me big  for this!" 

"Oh! She can't be that bad," Hermione claimed, trying to calm him down. Her rolled his eyes at her. 

"Hermione do you know who Dolores Umbridge is?" Scabior asked. Hermione shivered when he mentioned her name. Did she know who Umbridge was? OF COURSE! Anyone who met her couldn't forget her. Dolores was the worse person on the planet. She wouldn't be surprised if anyone who got Dolores from the program would run far away since apparently they couldn't give them back till a month and Hermione couldn't handle her for an hour of school. Hermione nodded her head. 

"Yeah, she was my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Horrible woman. I was glad when she was toss from the school." Hermione stated. Scabior chuckled. 

"Well that's basically my Aunt Jennifer... except instead of an obsession with cats, she has an obsession with..." Scabior started when a loud barking caused them to turn their attention as an older, curvy woman dressed completely in pink came walking in with not one... not two... but five Bulldogs. Two French Bulldogs and Three English Bulldogs. Hermione's mouth dropped. The woman looked as if Harry's Aunt Marge had taken fashion advise from Umbridge for both clothes, shoes and her hair. Scabior cringed as he lowered his lips. 

"That's Aunt Jennifer." He mumbled. Hermione's eyes widened when she saw being pulled behind her from a leash was Fenrir Greyback. He had been stripped of his shirt and shoes and was only wearing a pair of jeans that didn't even look comfortable on him. You could see fresh bruises and cuts roaming over his body. He looked almost worn out and thinned out. The once fierce Fenrir Greyback was now a helpless pup being dragged around by a leash. Hermione couldn't even say anything as she stared in horror as Jennifer kept tugging at his collar, which looked too tight to be around anyone's neck. Hermione knew Fenrir did some messed up stuff but even he didn't deserved to be treated like that. 

"Good to see everyone... Oh! Hello! It's good to see you again!... Such a lovely day for a funeral..." Aunt Jennifer spoke while roaming through the foyer as if she was some kind of sight to behold. Hermione winced every time she saw Fenrir stumble since Jennifer kept going too fast for him to keep up with her. Hermione peered from the corner of her eyes to see Scabior's eyes were wide with just as much horror and shock with the sight. After all, Scabior and Fenrir were buddies when they were snatching. Jennifer was just about to walk past them when she suddenly stopped as her eyes landed right on Hermione. 

"My goodness! The actual Hermione Granger is here!" She practically screamed for everyone to hear, "To what does the House of Scabior owe this wonderful surprise?" 

For a moment, Hermione couldn't answer her as her eyes were on Fenrir, who avoided looking up at Hermione or Scabior. She wanted to scream back at Jennifer to remove the collar from Fenrir's neck since she felt it was cutting off his air. Scabior looked at her and gently nudged her arm to make her focus on Jennifer.

"I actually brought Scabior here so he could come to the funeral. After all, his parents did die." Hermione claimed while darting her eyes between Jennifer and Fenrir. Jennifer chuckled. 

"You shouldn't have. Scabior knows he was their biggest disappointment. I knew he would just get worse when he entered the Slytherin House. He should have did them a favor and not show his face around here again for the hardships he put his family through." Jennifer shouted. Scabior kept his eyes on the floor. Hermione shook her head. 

"A house does not define one's self. Just look at Peter Pettigrew. He was a Gryffindor and yet he turned bad. Also I know some people from the house of Slytherin who were the best people to know." Hermione claimed. Jennifer laughed. 

"You only say that because you are too naive. Take it from me, dearie. He's nothing but trouble! Especially since he hung around filthy Half-Breeds such as this one." Jennifer shot while pointing at Fenrir. Hermione could see how much Fenrir wanted to go and rip her throat out but was still able to stop himself from doing it. Hermione narrowed her eyes as her hands tightened into fists. 

"I have you know, I'm friends with a Half-Breed. Remus Lupin, who is be far the most sweetest person to ever live." Hermione shot at her. Jennifer opened her mouth to say something when suddenly she looked at Fenrir as she growled. 

"Where are your manners, Pup? Didn't I tell you when you are in people's presence to bow?" She growled before suddenly pulling her wand out. Fenrir's body jerked violently, Hermione thought his bones were going to snap, as he fell to his knees. The dogs whimpered as they lowered themselves on their bellies. Hermione felt her eyes start to water as she glared at the woman. 

"JENNIFER!" Hermione's head shot up to see Sophia storming up to them with a tray of food in her hands, "If you do not stop this behavior right now, I will make sure you wish you never had come!" 

Jennifer seemed to freeze entirely when Sophia came storming towards her that she nearly dropped her wand. Jennifer scoffed as she tug at the leashes of the dogs and Fenrir, motioning them to follow her to the living room. Hermione let out a deep breath and sighed. She jolted when she felt something on her hand. She peered down to see her hand had interlocked with Scabior's during the argument. She could see on the back of his hand the marks where her nails had pressed down hard. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." Hermione stated as she lightly ran her thumb over the marks. Scabior chuckled. 

"That's okay. I needed it as well." He said while he gently pulled her off the last step and towards the living room. 

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