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Hermione stood there frozen to the spot as she felt herself start to melt into the kiss. She slowly raised her hands up to cup his face as she pulled him closer to her. She didn't understand this feeling but she enjoyed it dearly while her mind was in a battle. One side was telling her she should push him away given he was her enemy but the other side wanted him to pull her in closer and wrap her waist with his arms. 

As if he had just read her mind, his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her in, pressing their chests together. One hand decided to roam up and down her back repeatedly before moving to her side and brushed up and down it. After a few minutes, their kiss broke to allow them to breathe. They pressed their foreheads together while they stood there for a moment, thinking about what had just happened. 

"I guess... this means... you might give me a chance?" Scabior asked her. Hermione opened her mouth to say something when the sound of the door opening caused them to scatter to different sides of the hallway. Sophia walked through the door with a plate of food in her hands as she paused and darted her eyes between the two. 

"I was just going to take some dinner to Fenrir. Dinner is done by the way." Sophia stated to them. They both nodded and mumbled a thank you as they were about to head out when Sophia lightly grabbed hold of Scabior's shirt. 

"Here," she passed something into Scabior's hand, "In case you get lucky tonight." then made her way down to where Fenrir was at. Scabior peered down in her hand before he flung his head back and shouted 'Grandma', which Hermione swore she heard Sophia reply with laughter. Hermione was about to ask him what did Sophia gave him when he shoved whatever into his coat pocket and shook his head that they were nothing while motioning for her to move to the kitchen. 

*time skip* 

"This is amazing," Hermione said while eating her portions of dinner. She was sat right beside Rose and Scabior, who was sitting right beside Sophia. She couldn't help but noticed Sophia giving Scabior a look that Scabior kept replying with a shake of his head of 'no'. 

"Thank you, Hermione. Did my son tell you, I taught him all my recipes so he is a wonderful cook?" Sophia told her while she lightly nudged Scabior with her elbow. 

"She knows Grandma," Scabior assured her while he shook his head. 

"I taught him a few of my recipes as well, Sophia. I even wrote them down for him." Rose stated. 

"Luckily for him, he threw those away." Sophia claimed earning a dirty look for Dorothy. 

"So do you know what we need to do next to help Fenrir along this process?" Blanche asked, changing the subject. 

"Fenrir will have to finish filling out the paperwork and can suggest a certain housing he would be okay living in, then we write down what we witness with Jennifer's abuse, and then we mail it to the ministry. I feel bad for the owl, it will have to carry such a huge package." Hermione explained, remembering how big just the paper work was for both Fenrir and each of them. 

"And speaking of huge packages, Scabior..." Sophia started when Scabior gave her a deadly look that quiet her quickly. Hermione chuckled as she took another bite of her dinner. Just as they were finishing with dinner, Hermione helped put things away with them. 

"Who's ready for dessert? I made homemade chocolate ice cream." Rose told them. 

"Which is good, because Scabior uses it to exercise his tongue." Sophia blurted out which caused everyone to give Sophia a look. Rose a look of disgust, Blanche a mixture of a chuckle and confusion, Dorothy a 'Seriously' look and Scabior a pissed off look. Hermione bit her lip to stop her from laughing at them. 

"Grandma, could you refrain yourself from embarrassing me?" Scabior pleaded with her. 

"Hey, I'm just trying to show Hermione what's she's getting out of the deal." Sophia told him before going on with cleaning the kitchen. Scabior rolled his eyes before finishing his work. Once they were done, Hermione decided that it was about time he was heading to bed. 

"Well, alright. Scabior kind escort Hermione to her room, please," Sophia asked him. He nodded his head and began to take her upstairs. They had climbed halfway up when Sophia called out.

"Oh and Scabior," Sophia said, causing them to stop and turn to them, "While you're taking Hermione up, don't try any--" 

"SHADY PINES GRANDMA!" Scabior suddenly blurted out. Sophia seemed to paused as she glared at him then went scurrying away from them. Scabior shook his head and began heading up. 

"Shady Pines?" Hermione asked. 

"It's a nursing home." Scabior explained as he held out his hand, "Come, my lady, your room awaits." 

Hermione chuckled as she took his arm and they walked upstairs to her room. 

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