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Hermione sat outside on the back porch on a crooked swing as she stared out across the backyard that led to the woods. She was fixing her jacket when the sound of the door being swung opened caught her attention. She peered over her shoulder to see Harry walking towards her. 

"Hey," he mumbled. Hermione didn't speak and just turned her head back to look away from him. She listened as he walked over and sat beside her. 

"So Hermione... um... why are you so determined to help Fenrir out?" Harry asked him. She glared at him. 

"Because no one should be abused like he is. Did you enjoy it when your Aunt and Uncle and cousin were beating the bloody hell out of you?" she asked him. Harry moved a bit away from her as he scratched the back of his head. 

"I mean you are right in a sense. No one should be abused for any reason. But why are you so determined? I mean the man did some horrible things to you?" Harry asked her. She shook her head. 

"Because the world is giving me the most stupidest reasons as to why we shouldn't be helping him. Oh, he's a werewolf. Werewolves are monsters. Hello! I'm a muggle-born, and I know lots of people who would say I don't deserve help and you all would blow throw a fit about it. But he did some messed up things.  Harry, I did some messed up things when I was at Hogwarts. I lit Snape's cape on fire, I brew an illegal potion, I punched Draco, I helped form a class against every rule Umbridge made, and I could go on and on. Hell I did some terrible things to Fenrir. I mean, I threw some hardcore spells at him." Hermione explained. 

"Hermione you were defending yourself. I wouldn't exactly put that as terrible things." Harry defended her. She shook her head. 

"I think the biggest thing I want out of this would be hopefully start to form a bond with each other. So if someone like the Dark Lord rises again, then we would have Fenrir on our side." Hermione stated. Harry shook his head. 

"So it really is to ensure you have an ally for the near future." Harry joked as he lightly nodded  his head. 

"I also really, really, really want to get him out of his situation. You didn't see her Harry. She's quite a horrid person." Hermione stated to him, "she dragged Fenrir through the house, by a leash, Harry. A leash! And the collar was tight around his neck, almost choking him. He didn't have anything on except for a pair of jeans that didn't even seem like they fit him... on a day that was extremely cold out! He was completely tired, his was thinned out... I mean he didn't look like the Fenrir we met in the forest. She was extremely rude. She insulted about half-breeds. And don't even get me started when she used the torturing curse to push him to his knees. Then throughout the funeral, she slapped the hell out of him just for fun. You know how it feels to be beaten up? Would you wish that life for someone?" 

Harry shook his head. 

"Of course not. She sounds dreadful. I'm shock he didn't bite her while he was with her." Harry explained. She nodded. 

"You want to know the worse part about all of this is? She looks like a cross between your Aunt Marge and Dolores Umbridge. She almost could be Umbridge's sister." Hermione claimed to him. HIs eyes widened as he slowly stood up. 

"Why the hell didn't you say anything about that? We sure as hell will help you take this bitch down! Are you crazy..." Harry went babbling on about how she dared not tell him about it. She shook her head, completely in disbelief about the whole thing with Harry. 

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