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It felt like hours before finally they came landing on the ground. The moment their feet touched the ground, everyone released their hold. Fenrir handed Hermione her wand back. Just as she was placing it into her pouch, her eyes wandered as it landed on the strangest sight. Hermione had thought they would be in the middle of the woods somewhere and it would be in a large heap of dirt or a pile of junk. She was halfway right. They were in the middle of the woods but instead of a pile of dirt or junk... it was a house. A tiny, cute cottage to be exact. 

"Is this a joke?" Remus suddenly blurted out, causing everyone's attention on Fenrir and Remus, "This is my mother's house. How do you know where my mother lives? We moved after the attack!" 

"This is where I get to say... ask your mother." Fenrir told him before proceeding over to the cottage. Remus stared in disbelief as he and Tonks shared a look with each other then began following behind Fenrir with the rest of the gang behind them. Remus quickly rushed to be close to Fenrir as possible, he didn't want Fenrir to try anything. Fenrir roughly knocked on the door. They waited till the sound of footsteps came walking in. The door flung opened and there she was... Hope Lupin. Her eyes landed on Fenrir but instead of a look of fear, it was more of a look of friendliness. 

"Fenrir what are you doing here? I thought you were in Azkaban?" she whispered. 

"That's the first thing you say to the guy that bit me?" Remus blurted out. Hope's eyes widened as she glanced around and saw the audience at her front door, including her son and daughter-in-law. 

"Remus? Tonks? What..." Hope started darting her eyes around. Fenrir shook his head. 

"It's time, Hope." Fenrir said. Remus's eyes widened. 

"It's time? It's time for what exactly?" Remus asked, unable to grasp what was happening. Hope shook her head as she motioned for everyone inside. Fenrir entered first, followed by Tonks and Remus then Scabior then Harry and Ron and then Ginny and Hermione. Hope had everyone sit in the living room, which was a bit tough. People had to squeeze in. Hope and Fenrir sat in separate chairs, Remus sat in another chair with Tonks sitting on the arm as she held onto Remus's hand. The boys had to squeeze on the couch as then Ginny sat on Harry's lap and Hermione sat on the arm of the sofa by Scabior. 

"I'm sorry this has to come out in front of a crowd. Especially in front of you kids and um... I don't know you, sir. What's your name?" Hope asked Scabior. 

"Scabior. And I have to asked... Your name it is Hope Lupin? Correct?" he asked her. She nodded, "Bloody hell! You're H.L. aren't you?" 

"Who?" Harry asked. 

"During the war, Fenrir used to get these letters from the ministry but then I noticed he was also getting letters from a mysterious woman that went under the letters of H. L." Scabior stated. 

"Mom please tell me it's just by some strange chance..." Remus started to plead but Hope began shaking her head. She then stood up from her chair as she slowly paced around the room, pausing at the window like she was wishing she could run through it and get out of there. 

"I'm sorry Remus, I had wanted to hopefully never have you find out. But as I can see, plans to change." Hope mumbled as she fumbled with her fingers while she walked back to her seat. Remus glanced between Fenrir and his mother, silently pleading that this wasn't happening. 

"But given that you are now older, I believe it is time you learned the truth about that night," Hope said. 

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