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The sight of all of them walking down the Ministry drew plenty of eyes on them. Not only was there an Ex-Snatcher with them but about seven members of the Order walking alongside them. It clearly told people that something was up if so many of them were there. They quickly got into the elevator (which they had to break up in two groups given its size) and headed down to the courtroom. Upon arriving, they were stopped by two guards. 

"What's going on here?" one asked them. 

"We're here for our case with Jennifer Scabior, who is suing us for rescuing Fenrir Greyback from her midst." Rose told the guard. The guard look at her like she had said something insane before he gazed over to the others. 

"Is there a reason half of the Order is here with you four, ma'am?" the guard asked, motioning to the others. 

"We're here to support them." Tonks stated to them. The guards shook his head. 

"The Minister asked for a limited amount of people to be in here." The guard claimed, "given that there are countless trials going on today, they're trying to keep it as least chaotic as possible." 

Before anyone could protest, Hermione moved to the front of the group as she began to speak. 

"What other trials are happening?" Hermione asked. The guards shrugged his shoulders. 

"I think there's one about a breeder who was breeding outlawed dragons, another two neighbors, who are in for their 55th trial against each other, and then one with a guy named Hagrid and I believe one with..." the guard listed when Hermione's eyes widened. 

"Excuse me, where and when is the one with Hagrid?" Hermione asked them. The guard shook his head while he gazed down to look at his watch. 

"In about ten to fifteen minutes just around the corner," the guard stated to them. Hermione grabbed Scabior's arm as she began rushing down the hallway. They went running till Scabior began to slow them down. 

"Hey! Hold your horses! What are you doing?" Scabior asked. Hermione stopped suddenly before turning to face him. 

"Remember what Tonks said? How Jennifer could argue she has no clue who Hagrid is? Well we can ask Hagrid and see if he knows her." Hermione explained to him. Before Scabior could asked, they turned around when the sound of footsteps echoed into their ears. They watched as they found Remus and Tonks running after them. 

"What the bloody hell was the meaning of running off like that?" Remus gasped while they slowed down.

"Because Hermione's brilliant. We're going to ask and see if Hagrid if he ever met my aunt before." Scabior stated. Remus appeared like he was ready to say something when the doors opened, causing them to turn in time to see Hagrid walking down the hallway changed with four to five guards surrounding him. Hermione rushed over to him as she called to him. Just as Hagrid lifted his head up, the guards moved to the front, holding their arms out to her. 

"Step aside, ma'am. We're on our way to convict this man." the guard said. Hermione wanted to punch him for saying that but she held her cool. 

"We need to talk to Hagrid for a moment. It will only take a minute to do so." Hermione told the guard. Before the guard could speak, Tonks storm up behind Hermione, glaring right into his eyes. 

"Humor the lady, will you?" Tonks growled, narrowing her eyes towards him. The guard must not have wanted to mess with Tonks because he slowly moved to the side, allowing Hermione to get closer to Hagrid. 

"Hagrid, did you ever met or run into a woman by the name of Jennifer Scabior? She's a big woman, dresses in a lot of pink like Umbridge does, has dogs..." before Hermione could finished, Hagrid cut in. 

"That woman, who almost took my eye out? Yeah, I met her. Why do you ask?" Hagrid stated. 

"Why did she do that?" Remus asked him. 

"Because I dared to confront her about feeding her dogs chocolate. You should have seen the poor things! The woman didn't seem like she cared about their health." Hagrid admitted. Hermione quickly gave him a hug as she squeezed him tight. 

"Don't worry Hagrid, we'll get you out of this. I promise." Hermione told him. Before Hagrid could hug back, Hermione was roughly pulled off him as they then dragged Hagrid away towards the door by his chains. The sight of him caused Hermione to become even more determined in getting Jennifer arrested. 

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