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Fenrir had fallen asleep. He couldn't remember the last time he had some real deep sleep after he was delivered to that bitch. He thought it wouldn't be that hard to be a servant. He was one for the Dark Lord for years, what was the difference? There was. This bitch was worse. Sure, Voldemort was just as heartless and mean but he didn't abuse him the way the woman had since the day he came to live with her. His only real companions were the dogs, who treated him with better respect than she did. 

He couldn't wait for the month to be over with so he could get out of there... that is if he survived that long. Either she was going to kill him or he was going to kill her was getting to be a more possible outcome. After all, he's a wolf. And wolves, when threatened, don't go down without a fight. He cursed under his breath since he had sworn to himself he was going to attempt to be a better man. 

His sleep was broken when he felt something cold and wet press against his chest, causing him to jolt from his sleep and grab what it was. He opened his eyes to see an older woman, shivering a bit under his glare. However, it wasn't Jennifer, so he ease up. 

"What are you doing?" he asked her. 

"Your wounds were starting to fester, so I was going to clean them before they get infected." The lady told him before dabbing the towel against his chest. He nodded his head and tried to relax while she continued to cleaning his wounds. Fenrir held his tongue till he grew too curious to stop himself from asking. 

"Why are you helping me?" Fenrir asked her. She shook her head. 

"I don't like to see anyone hurt. Doesn't matter who they are, no one deserves to get abused. It probably the reason the Sorting Hat didn't even have to touch my head to know I'm a Hufflepuff." 

"Some people will say I deserve the torment I'm going through." 

"No one deserves to go through the hell you're going through, sweetie. That's why I had to get you out of that situation before it got too bad." she admitted. Fenrir's eyebrows raised up. 

"You really are a Hufflepuff, aren't you Miss..."  Fenrir chuckled. She held out her hand. 

"Rose. Rose Nylund. I'm one of Scabior's grandmas." Rose told him. He nodded. 

"He talked a lot about you girls. I'm sorry for the passing your son or daughter?" Fenrir said, not sure which one was her kid. Rose snickered. 

"They weren't my kids. The father was Blanche's and the mother was Dorothy's.  Blanche married into my family before our family married into Sophia's and Dorothy's family. If that makes any sense." 

"You know that you are going to get into a lot of trouble in helping me escape Jennifer. The program has a punishment for people who aid in getting Death Eaters and Snatchers to escape from the Ministry. I mean it's going to be hard for you to hide a big old werewolf like me." 

"Well actually I have a plan to avoid all that. We'll probably have to shave your hair a bit, clip your nails, give you a fresh pair of clothes and a new name. I was thinking maybe Charlie." Rose suggested. 

"Why Charlie?" 

"That was the name of my late husband. He was something special. Oh, it was back in St. Olaf, my hometown, we actually met on the side of the road...." Rose went on talking about St. Olaf and Charlie as Fenrir, thankful he had an excuse, shut his eyes and allowed himself to sleep. 

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