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For a moment, they all stood there unaware of what exactly to do with each other. Finally Harry cleared his throat as he disrupted the awkward silence. 

"Well, you know who we are and we know who you are so there aren't really any need for introducing ourselves. So um... this our house which is now yours. You will simply doing the chores like dishes, sweeping and dusting, laundry..." Harry started when Hermione cut in. 

"He's not going anywhere near my laundry." she shot at him. 

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Scabior asked, crossing his arms, acting like he was offended by what she said. Hermione glared at him. 

"It means you're a pervert." 

"Wow! I'm offended." 

"You shouldn't be. Last thing I remember about you, you wanted to rape me." she growled. 

"You have no proof that I have ever wanted to do that!" 

"When we first met, you said 'Hello, beautiful' and when you asked me what my name is you called me 'my lovely'. Most importantly on our way to Malfoy Manor, you grabbed my ass!" 

"It was accidental." 

"You held it there for fifteen minutes!" 

"Accidental holding." 

"Alright!" Harry cut in, stepping in between the two, then looked over at Hermione "He won't go any where near your laundry, he won't clean your room or go near your room or your bathroom. Okay?" 

Hermione nodded that she agreed with those terms. Harry then cleared his throat again. 

"You will also do the cooking..." Harry attempted again when Hermione gave him a death glare, "Someone will be watching him, Hermione, I promise... you know maybe we should just show you around the house first before settling you in."

"Good idea." Scabior claimed as he followed Harry to the next room. Hermione attempted to follow behind the two when Ron stepped in front of her. 

"Maybe it's best if you didn't go with them. You might give yourself a heart attack." Ron suggested to her. She shook her head. 

"I wouldn't be on the verge of giving myself a heart attack if there wasn't a snatcher in our house, who probably wants to get back at us for sending him back to Azkaban." Hemrione snapped while she tried to peer over Ron to see what Harry and Scabior were doing. Ron lightly patted her shoulders. 

"Why don't we put the things you were trying to hide back where they belong and try to calm down?" Ron asked. Hermione shook her head. 

"Fine, but if I so much find one item missing, he's back in Azkaban." Hermione warned him as she grabbed the box and proceeded to head around putting things back, still thinking of how insane this entire thing was. 

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