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Hermione rushed out of the kitchen along with Harry as they entered into the living room in time to find some of the aurors, pointing their wands at Hagrid while they attempted to force him out of the room without even any sign of mercy. She was horrified at the sight as she rushed over to the Minister, who was getting into a heated argument with McGonagall. The other adults seemed like they wanted to help, but figure McGonagall had a better chance with getting Minister to regret this entire thing. 

"This is an outrage! Hagrid hasn't done anything wrong!" McGonagall screamed at the Minister. 

"We have a couple of eyewitnesses, who claim they have seen Hagrid attempt to rob The Golden Trio's house earlier this day!" Minister Fudge growled. 

"Then they must have lied about seeing him! Hagrid wouldn't steal from us!" Hermione stepped in. Minister Fudge shook his head as he attempted to pat her shoulder, which Hermione roughly slapped it away. 

"I know it's hard to grasp the idea of a friend doing such a thing to oneself, but we have evidence." Minister Fudge told her. Hermione shook her head. 

"Who even told you guys about our house being rob? We hadn't even inform anyone at the ministry about it." Ron asked them. Fudge pulled out a letter from his pocket as he opened it and held it out for them. Hermione carefully took it as she gazed over it. It stated how there were numerous eyewitnesses about the robbing of their house and they they all said the same thing. Hagrid did it. But if there were eyewitnesses, then why didn't they find Aurors around their houses examining the place? Why didn't anyone report it to the aurors instead of the Minister himself. Then her eyes wandered downward and there written in familiar handwriting was the name of Dolores Umbridge. 

"Dolores wrote this as well? How does she know all of this?" Hermione asked, wondering why Dolores was the one writing things to people. 

"She's the new secretary of getting important information out to people. Hence why she wrote this letter to me." Fudge explained. Hermione rolled her eyes. Out of all the people to put in that seat, they actually thought Umbridge was the best person? Hermione could see all the horrible messes that would caused, but she had to focus on this important issue. 

"Well Hagrid got a letter from Umbridge as well today! She told him about how we were attacked long before we even inform anyone at all!" Hermione explained to Fudge. Fudge just shook his head. 

"I'm sorry about that attack and we will get a hold of Scabior and Fenrir, but right now we have to..." Fudge started when Harry cut in. 

"They weren't the one who attacked us, sir! They were in the house with us when the attack happened. They're being framed just as much as Hagrid is being framed." Harry stated. Fudge narrowed his eyes while shaking his head in confusion. 

"Are you trying to tell me there's someone else behind both your attacks and the robbery?" 

"Yes, sir," Hermione told him, "Someone is trying to get rid of Fenrir and Scabior along with Hagrid to cover up getting rid of my friends and me. We have a thought of who it could be but we still need proof to conclude it." 

"It's very nice that you are trying to protect a friend like Hagrid, but we must take him away till we know for certain that he or Fenrir or Scabior were not involved in their accused crimes." Fudge stated before motioning for the Aurors to take him away. Hermione watched in horror as Hagrid was being roughly dragged out of the house while he was pleading for them to believe him that he didn't do anything wrong. Hermione felt tears falling down her cheeks when Hagrid peered back towards them with tears in his eyes while he silently pleaded for their help before being taken away. 

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