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"We do not know where he is at." Hermione lied while Scabior nodded in agreement that he did not know as well. Kingsley shot his gaze between the two of them as he crossed his arms and turned his focus onto Scabior. 

"Are you sure you do not know where Fenrir is, Scabior? If my memory serves me correctly, which is does given her account of her story of happened to them while they were out in the woods,  you two are good friends, worked together to try and snatch the Golden Trio." Kingsley stated, keeping his eyes glued on Scabior. Scabior shrugged his shoulders. 

"No clue. It would be hard for him to attempt to get in contact with me given how tightly Hermione secured the house and everyone in it." Scabior claimed. Kingsley mumbled an 'uh-huh' before he turned around to the rest of the aurors. 

"Search the grounds for him. He might still be around here somewhere. Keep your guard up. He's still dangerous." Kingsley told the rest of the aurors, who didn't waste a moment in leaving the room to search for Fenrir. Hermione and Scabior started to walk away when Kingsley shut the door before either of them could get out and locked. 

"What's the meaning of this?" Hermione asked him. 

"Who the hell do you two think you're trying to fool? You think I'm stupid or something?" Kingsley asked, glaring at the two of them. 

"Sorry?" Scabior asked. Kingsley crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Where is he? I know he's in this house. Now where is he?" Kingsley ordered the two of them, "You two know that you risk getting thrown into Azkaban for aiding a death eater's escape?" 

"We do! But..." Hermione started, twirling her fingers around as she glanced between Kingsley and Scabior. 

"But what?" Kingsley asked. 

"But we rather go to Azkaban then give Fenrir back to the devil." Scabior stated. Kingsley narrowed his eyes. 


"Well... Fenrir was given to his aunt, Jennifer," Hermione stated. 

"Who abuses Fenrir both physically and verbally," Scabior cut in. 

"She's a horrible woman!" 

"Total bitch, really." 

"It got so bad Dorothy, one of Scabior's grandmothers, had told Jennifer to give her Fenrir to put him somewhere away from Jennifer and so he could get away from being abused." 

"Which then my other Grandmother, Rose, found the opportunity in kidnapping Fenrir and taking him to the bomb shelter to rest and take care of his wounds." 

"Of course, we didn't know for sure she did it until we went looking for her and stumbled upon him." 

"Fenrir's fine and sleeping, by the way. Even after the shit that's going down between us," 

"Which we will speak about in privately when this whole thing is dealt with." 

"Not unless I get my ass sent to Azkaban." 

"Oh, please, I'll fine a way to still talk about it." 

"ENOUGH!" Kingsley shouted causing the two to jolt backwards a few steps. Kingsley took a deep breath in and slowly released it before looking at the two of them.

"If Fenrir is being abuse like you are stating, then you can file a report which we would then get him transferred to somewhere else." Kingsley suggested to them, "In the near future, if you two could avoid doing anything so stupid such as this, that would be greatly appreciated." 

"Technically, my Grandma Rose did..." Scabior started till Kingsley gave him a death glare, causing him to shut his mouth. Kingsley shook his head as he unlocked the door shaking his head, mumbling about being too old for all of this. Hermione and Scabior gave each other looks as they silently were wondering what exactly were they going to do now. 

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