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It was about thirty minutes later when dinner was ready and the table had been set. Hermione, Ron, and Harry had sat at the table while Scabior brought in the food first then sat down on the other end of the table. Hermione had to admit it looked impressive. It looked better than Hermione had ever imagine it would be looking like. 

"This looks wonderful, Scabior. I never would have guessed you as the cook," Harry stated while he scooped a spoonful of spaghetti and meatballs. Hermione chuckled while she grabbed one of the extremely cheesy garlic bread slices. Ron shook his head while he grabbed a few scoops for himself. He had a look to him that Hermione knew all too well. His I'm-jealous-but-I'm-going-to-try-to-keep-it-to-myself-even-though-you-can-see-it look. Hermione couldn't help but chuckled while she handed Harry the garlic bread. 

"Why, thank you, Harry." Scabior told them as he took a scoop of spaghetti for himself. Harry had taken a bite as he suddenly hummed in delight. 

"Bloody hell, that's great!" Harry claimed before taking another bite. Curious, Hermione took a bite for herself and her eyes widened. Harry was right. This was the most delicious thing she had eaten in her life. 

"This is delightful. I mean really delightful," She found herself saying as she took another bite herself. She felt herself blushing when she made eye contact with Scabior. She could see a hint of a smug excitement glowing in his eyes like he had wanted her to say that. She had to look away as she brushed her hair behind her ear. 

"I thought I already made meatballs last week?" Ron suddenly asked. Hermione bit her lip before she answered. 

"Scabior and I were cleaning out the fridge and they had mold on them so we had to toss them out. Sorry, Ron." Hermione lied before taking another bite of her meal. Ron narrowed his eyes, clearly not believing in her story. 

"Ron you have to try this. This is really delicious." Harry told Ron as he continued to eat his meal. 

"It can't be that good." Ron grumbled as he took a bite of his meal. For a moment, no one moved or spoke as they stared at Ron, waiting for his response. Suddenly Ron stood up as he threw the fork down and walked away from the table. She didn't know how to respond as suddenly Scabior started to laugh. 

"My food has magical powers. It can repulse pest from the table." Scabior joked. Hermione glared at him. 

"That's not funny," she told him. He opened his mouth to say something when a loud shriek of an owl caused them to turn and see a Red Owl flying towards their window. Hermione stood from the table as she walked over to it. She wasn't familiar with this owl as it landed on the window pane. She took hold of the letter from its beak but instead of leaving like it would, it went flying over to Scabior. It sat down on the back of his chair as it began to play with his hair. 

"Not it off, Crimson." Scabior growled. 

"You know this bird?" Harry asked. Scabior nodded. 

"Yeah, its a family pet. He's name was supposed to be Lucas but for some reason it only comes to the name Crimson." Scabior replied. Hermione walked over to him as she handed the letter to him. 

"Then I believe this is yours." She said. Scabior took hold of it as he opened it quickly. He had barely scanned it as he tossed it to the side and went back to eating. 

"Well what did it say?" she asked him. Scabior swallowed his food as he answered.

"Nothing. Just Mom and Dad died and something about a funeral and collecting things." 

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