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A/n: This chapter contains mentions of sexual content. You have been warned. I hope you enjoy. 

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I am deeply sorry for accusing you of leaving empty jugs in the fridge." Scabior asked Fenrir, who was sticking his nose in a book he had randomly pulled out from the shelves. Scabior knew Fenrir wasn't really reading it, he just wanted to make an excuse to keep ignoring Scabior. Scabior leaned in his chair, rubbing his hand over his face, while he tried to figure out what he needed to do to get Fenrir to forgive him for an honest mistake. Just as he was going to try talking with Fenrir again, Harry walked into the room, holding a few letter in his hands. 

"Good morning, everyone. How's everyone doing?" Harry asked them. Scabior turned his chair to the side, his back purposely facing Fenrir. 

"Not great actually. This one won't accept my apology because I thought he was the one putting empty jugs in the fridge." Scabior told Harry before peering over his shoulder to glare at Fenrir, "Even though it was an accident because Fenrir does do that crap!" 

While he turned back so he didn't have to look at Fenrir, Scabior felt something hit him against the back of his head. Scabior didn't need  to be a genius to know who did it. Scabior was just about to reach for his wand to throw a spell at Fenrir when Harry blurted out...

"Are you fucking... Hermione!" Harry said. Scabior's head shot up with his eyes widened. 

"She told you about us? So much for telling them at dinner, but okay." Scabior asked Harry. Harry's eyes were glued on Scabior, his mouth still opened with shock. Scabior cleared his throat while he turned his chair around to face Harry. 

"I know. It's a bit shocking, but it happened. You know how love is. Two people meet, then they start to get close to each other, then they have the urge to shag up... several times," Scabior claimed to Harry, "and let me tell you, she is really good in bed. I mean she knows how to touch a man in all the right places. And... and the way she runs her tongue over..." 

"SCABIOR!!!" Scabior's head shot up to see Hermione in the doorway with a look of pure terror, "What are you doing? We had a deal!" 

"Yeah, but you told Harry about us." Scabior claimed, shocked with Hermione's outburst. 

"No I didn't!" she shot at him. Scabior glanced between Harry and Hermione a couple of times before landing his eyes on Hermione. 

"Then how did he know about us? Because he asked me if I was doing you!" Scabior asked, determined not to get into trouble for something he didn't do. Fenrir cleared his throat as he set the book down. 

"I can answer that. He really didn't ask you if you were fucking Hermione. He said 'Are you fucking' then he paused before calling out to Hermione." Fenrir answered before he turned back to his book. Scabior lightly brushed his hand in his hair then lightly tsk. 

"Oops... an honest mistake. Anyone could have done it!" Scabior claimed to her as he moved his attention over towards Harry, who was still staring at him, "Umm... so.... Surprise!" 

A couple of seconds had passed of everyone looking at Harry, wondering what was going on within his head, before Harry suddenly dropped onto the ground. 

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