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A/n: This chapter contains some scenes from the series Everybody Loves Raymond season 2 Episode 15 "Marie's Meatballs". I hope you enjoy.

Ron actually dropped to his knees at the front door and kissed the ground when he got back from the store. He didn't believe Hermione when she told him that her trip to the store with Scabior had been hell. And what happened? He had to witness Scabior insult one of the workers to get some spice that Ron hadn't even heard of. This was the price  he was paying for not believing in Hermione. After kissing the ground, Scabior picked Ron up from the ground and dragged him into the kitchen where they proceeded in getting everything ready for them to make the spaghetti and meatballs. 

"Alright Ginger, the most important thing to put in your food is the love. Without the love, it's just plain food." Scabior stated before leaning over and grabbing a bottle of red wine from one of their bags. Ron was in disbelief, clinging to a notebook and pen that he grabbed so he can write down the recipe, with what Scabior was saying and was rolling his eyes for most of it. 

"This... this is the most necessary thing. Without this you can't do anything," Scabior said while tapping the side of the bottle. 

"Ok, how much do I put in?" Ron asked, readying his pen to write the measurements down. 

"That depends on how much is left." Scabior answered. Ron tilted his head as he mumbled an 'alright Scabior' and headed over to grab cups. Once Ron set the glasses down for Scabior to pour, Ron head over to grab his notepad and pen. 

"Alright, do your stuff. I'm watching," Ron said, prepared to write down what Scabior would tell him. 

"Oh no, no, no. I'm here for you, Ginger. You're the cook here." Scabior said moving Ron in front of the countertop while Ron was mumbling a 'no, no, no...' under his breath, "Now, food is nothing to be afraid of. Huh? I mean you faced the Dark Lord himself and you're going to let a little bit of food scare you?" 

Ron shook his head, knowing that Scabior was right. He had went through worst things than this so he shouldn't be the bit timid around making food. If he thought of it, it made him look a bit foolish to be scared. Carefully, setting down his pen and notebook he shook his head again. 

"Okay, stand back! I'm going in!" Ron stated taking a deep breath and began to cook. 

Time Skip 

Hermione didn't know what she was expecting when Ron had summoned her to the head of the table. It didn't make her feel comfortable with the fact she didn't have anyone else there with her. Harry had taken Fenrir to a doctor's appointment along with Scabior since Fenrir was being fussy about it all. She was about to get out of her seat when Ron walked out of the kitchen with a plate of spaghetti. 

"Dinner is served." Ron said, setting it down in front of her with a fork beside. Hermione chuckled as she began to dig in. She had only taken one bite but it hit her like a train. It was Scabior spaghetti, however; there was some strange flavor in it that she couldn't make out. She glanced up at Ron, who had the biggest grin on his face while waiting for her response. Not wanting to upset him, she faked a smile. 

"This is great." She lied. Ron lightly clapped, thrilled to hear what Hermione said. 


"Yeah, it's really great." She lied again, trying to keep herself from spitting the meatball out. Ron began to jump up and down then hugged her in a tight hug. 

"That's wonderful! I did it! I really did it! I'll be right back, I'm going to make myself a plate." Ron cheered. Hermione nodded her head in a 'yes' motion even though part of her wanted to say 'no'. He then headed to the kitchen. As soon as he was gone, Hermione spat out the bit of meatball she ate and began looking through it, trying to see if she could find out what it was that was making it taste horrible. She was surprised when she felt a pair of eyes on her. Slowly, she turned to see Ron looking at her like he had his heart shattered. Without really thinking, she tossed it back into her mouth and put on her fake smile. 

"You did it! Wow! Wow! Wow!" Hermione lied, trying to see if she could make her believe him. But the damaged had been done as Ron darted out of the dining room with his tail in between his legs. 

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