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"Don't buy that... or that... and most of all that." 

"...That's not ripe yet... *drops melon, picks up another melon and shakes it* That's not ripe yet *drops, picks up another melon and shakes it*.... here we go!" 

"Look at these! These aren't fresh! These are the most yellow looking lettuce I have ever seen! Big bunch of lying blokes!" 

That was Scabior throughout the entire time they were shopping. Hermione hated shopping but after going to the store with Scabior, made her realize how much she loved shopping by herself. It seemed like three hours of going around, hearing Scabior complain about almost everything before they were finally able to go home.  They walked through the front door (correction, Hermione stormed through the front door, huffing and puffing as she kept telling herself killing him was not worth going to Azkaban for). She rushed into the kitchen, hoping to get everything settled and that Harry and Ron were on their way home. Hermione was putting the meat away when Scabior came in with the rest of their groceries. 

"That was quite a fun trip, wasn't it Hermione?" Scabior asked while he set his bags on the counter. Hermione shut the fridge while she glared at him. 

"Oh... yes, fun indeed... It was so fun to watch you go on a screaming match with the damn manager of the store!" Hermione growled, remembering how Scabior had butted heads with the manager, who was politely asking him to calm down when he was getting in a fight with some of the workers. Scabior shook his head. 

"Hey, it's worth the battle for freshness. Now if you excuse me, I am going to start making dinner." Scabior told her while he went looking through the cabinets for all the things he needed to make supper. Hermione shook her head. 

"I'll make dinner. You just sit somewhere I can see you and stay quiet," Hermione ordered him. She was about to pull something out when she felt an arm around her waist. She didn't waste a moment to start screaming her head off and tried to get out of his grip. 

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" She shouted before he sat her down at the counter. 

"You my little worry-wart are going to relax. You can help me, but I shall be cooking. It's in my job description." Scabior told her as he went grabbing ingredients from the fridge and the cabinets. Hermione took a breath and decided to just let him. 

"So what are you making?" she asked him. 

"Spaghetti and Meatballs with cheesy garlic bread." Scabior answered. She narrowed her eyes at him as he held his hands up in defense, "Don't worry, it's my Grandma's recipe. My Grandmothers actually taught me a lot about cooking." 

"That's nice. You're very close to your Grandmas?" she asked while she got the baguette and a knife to start cutting it. 

"I was once. We lost touch when I joined the Snatchers. I actually had a better relationship with my Grandmothers than my own parents." He admitted. Hermione tilted her head. 

"What..." She started when Scabior held his hand up. 

"Don't... just don't." He told her. Even though she wanted to ask and dig further, she respected his wishes as they went making dinner in quiet. 

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