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Hermione clung to her hands against her chest, staring in complete disbelief as Scabior held the ring up for her to see it. She felt her eyes start to water up as she lightly wrapped her hands around his own hands. 

"Scabior... are you sure? I mean, you're not doing this just because I'm pregnant are you?" Hermione asked him, wanting to make sure he was doing it out of love and not because of the situation they were in. Scabior grinned his sly smirk, his hand pushing back some of her hair from her face. 

"I never been more sure about anything." Scabior assured her, holding the ring up almost directly against her face, "Please... will you marry me, Hermione Granger?" 

Hermione blinked rapidly, feeing her eyes start to fill up with tears. 

"Yes! I will! Yes! Yes!" She cheered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

*time skip by a few months* 

Hermione stood in a beautiful white ballgown that was loose enough for her baby bump behind a pair of doors, holding a bundle of white lilies. She was a bit nervous given that she couldn't believe she was getting married. From the small crack in the doorway, she could see her family and friends sitting, waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

She could see all Professor McGonagall grinning from ear to ear, Hagrid was weeping in a tissue, Harry stood nervously with Fenrir, who was talking with Scabior, who kept his eyes glued to the doors. Lupin had kindly agreed to minister the entire thing as Hope was sitting in the front row on the Bride's side, grinning at Remus. She noticed only a few of the Weasleys had came to visit (Arthur, Bill, Charlie, and The Twins). Molly, Percy, and Ron didn't show up. There were also some people Hermione didn't know, who were from Scabior's side. She could see Rose, Dorthy and Blanche sitting in the front row, shooting smiles and thumbs up at Scabior. 

"Are you ready?" Hermione turned to see Sophia standing beside her, grinning. She shook her head as she took hold of Sophia's arm. On cue, Hermione's bridemaids (Ginny, Lavender, Luna, and Fleur) walked down the aisle before she made her way down. She could see Scabior keeping his eyes on her. Hermione soon stood in front of him, their eyes still locked with each other. 

*small time skip* 

"... And without further or do, I pronounce you husband and wife." Remus said. 

"Now can I kiss her?" Scabior asked, earning a bunch of laughter from the crowd since all throughout the ceremony Scabior been trying to kiss Hermione. Remus rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, you may now kiss your bride." Remus affirmed. Not even a second later, Scabior grabbed Hermione and dipped her before latching his lips with hers. She could hear all the burst of cheers and clapping. Scabior lifted Hermione back to her feet as they proceeded to scurry down the aisle, people tossing rice at the two of them. Hermione and Scabior rushed out of the church and headed to the horse and carriage. Scabior held the door open and help Hermione out into the carriage. Scabior followed behind her. 

"Hermione throw the bouquet!" someone shouted. She turned her head, laughed, before throwing the bouquet to the group of women. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Ginny grabbed it. She leaned against Scabior's side as the carriage began to roll them towards their honeymoon and their happily ever after. 

A Recipe for Diaster (Harry Potter Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें