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Hermione ran out of there so fast, she could have sworn she made lightning appear slow. Her entire face was a bright shade of red. When she had eavesdropped on Scabior and Fenrir, she didn't expect to hear what she had heard. She knew that Scabior had some sexual attraction to her but she didn't imagin that it would be... like that! Hermione rushed into the kitchen as she bent over the sink, trying to catch her breath. She was regretting listening in on their conversion now. How was she going to look him in the eye again? How was she going to face him on a day-to-day basis? 

Her thoughts were cut short when she heard the door opening. From the corner of her eye, she could see Scabior walking out. Quickly, she grabbed a glass and started to fill it up with water, pretending as best as she could that she did not overheard what they were talking about. Scabior slowly walked up to her before pausing just a few inches away. 

"You heard me didn't you?" Scabior asked. Hermione shook her head. 

"Uh... what... no, I was here. I don't know what you are talking about."  she tried to tell him. 

"Really? Then why is your face a bright red?" Scabior pointed out. Hermione reached her hand up to her face as she felt her warm to the touch. Her lips opened and closed trying to form sentences but it was hard. What exactly do you tell the person, who you overheard liked you and masturbated to her photo and wanted to do it with you? 

"You don't have to say anything, but if you just listen..." Scabior asked, his hand rubbing the back of his head. Hermione nodded her head, silently telling him she was going to listen to him. 

"First off, I'm sorry that you had to figure this out in the most awful and most embarrassing way imaginable. Secondly, I respect if you do not want anything to do with me. If you want me out of your life, I understand." Scabior told her. Hermione's eyes widened as she waved her hand. 


"And what?" he asked. She stared at him in disbelief. 

"Seriously? That's all you have to say?" Hermione asked, crossing her arms as she couldn't believe what he was saying. 

"What else is there?" 

"What else is there? WHAT ELSE IS THERE? I just found out you are not just sexually attracted to me and you say what else is there?" She started to scream while storming closer to him as he backed away from her. He looked like a dumb deer in the headlights as he was shivering and his mouth struggled to figure out what to say. 

"What am I supposed to say here?" he asked suddenly.

"How about, explaining yourself! How about that? Explain why when you knew you were attracted to me that you stayed with the snatchers? Huh? Why didn't you go join the Order, I mean it was closer to me, you know? Or how about if you didn't want me to be given to Bellatrix so badly, why the hell did you do it? Why didn't you apparated us out of there? Let alone, why did you take me there in the first place?" Hermione screamed at him. He stood there stunned. 

"ANSWER ME!" She shouted at him when he was replying. 

"Kind of hard to say something when there's a crazy woman screaming at you!" Scabior stated. Hermione's gasped as she was about to slap him the door opened as she saw Kingsley and other Aurors came rushing into the kitchen. Hermione pushed herself away from Scabior as she composed herself. She could see from the corner of her eye Scabior just looking at her like he just something unspeakable. Kingley's eyes darted between the two of them. 

"Hermione why are you and him here?" He asked pointing at them. 

"I brought Scabior here to mourn his parents' death." Hermione explained to Kingsley. 

"Technically I was kidnapped and forced to mourn my parents' death." Scabior claimed, earning him a glare from Hermione. Kingsley shook his head as he turned his focus onto Hermione.

"We were given a letter of emergency that the snatcher, Fenrir Greyback is on the loose and this place was the last sighting of him." Kingsley stated, holding a letter, clearly written by Jennifer, "Do you two know where he's at?" 

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