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A/n: This chapter contains some scenes from the series Everybody Loves Raymond season 2 Episode 15 "Marie's Meatballs". I hope you enjoy. 

Hermione really regretted having Ron find out how she really felt about his meatballs. Because the moment she was finished with getting in her nightgown and robe and slipped into her bed, Ron climbed out from under her bed and laid right beside her and began asking her what he did wrong. 

"Maybe I sautéd the garlic too long? Was that the weird taste?" Ron asked her. Hermione shook her head, groaning at how she shouldn't have done this whole thing in the first place. 

"I don't care Ron! I just want to go to sleep." Hermione complained, trying to roll over on her side. 

"Come on! How bad were they?" He asked her. 

"Ron please! You might have accidentally gotten the recipe wrong? That's all." Hermione stated. 

"How could I get the recipe wrong? Scabior was right there with me!" Ron growled, flinging his arms around that one hit Hermione on her side. 

"Maybe he forgot to tell you something you were supposed to put in it?" Hermione suggested, trying to say whatever to get Ron out of her room so she could sleep. 

"Yeah... maybe he forgot," Ron mumbled. Suddenly the air grew tense when Ron became quiet, "Or... maybe..." 

"What?" Hermione murmured, slowly turning to face him. 

"Yeah... maybe he..." Ron moved his hand in a twisting manner and made a sound like he was had throw something. Hermione sat up when she realized what Ron was accusing Scabior of doing. 

"No, No, No, No..." Hermione shot at him. 

"No, Hermione! No? Oh you don't think it's possible that he had done something to my spaghetti and meatballs to make them worst than his?" Ron asked him. Hermione shook her head. 

"Why would he want to do that? Huh? What's there to gain out of him messing up with your food? Nothing!" Hermione asked Ron, hoping he would think of how insane he was sounding right now. 

"Hermione this is the same man, who tried to put the moves on you when he was chasing us down in the Forest of Dean!" 

"What does that have anything to do with him messing up your food?"

"He's trying to make me look bad and make him look better! He's doing it to impress you so much he can finally snatch you as his own girlfriend. Kind of pathetic really since he has no chance." Ron stated to her. Hermione had to bite down the laughter that threatened to slip pass her lips when he had said that. 

"Ron, listen. The spaghetti and meatballs are not like Scabior's, but I'm telling you that shouldn't matter. Ron you aren't meant to be like Scabior. You're meant to be Ronald Weasley. That's it, that's all. Good night!" Hermione told him before proceeding to try to sleep, "Oh, and please do not try anything stupid tonight." 

Hermione felt Ron sit there beside her for a few minutes before sliding off of the bed and heading out of the room. She couldn't help but feel Ron was going to do something.

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