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Hermione stared over at the group of people she had summoned for a brief meeting about helping Fenrir get out of the situation he was in and help with the trial. She had invited wanted to only invited Harry, but now she had the entire Weasleys family, Remus and Tonks, Luna, Neville, and even Professor McGonagall was there. For a moment it kind of reminded her of how awkward trying to get people to join in getting people to their secret Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Everyone sat in front of her, Scabior, and his Grandmas. Finally Hermione stood up and cleared her throat. 

"I am glad to see all of you here even though I only called for Harry." Hermione said, shooting him a glare. 

"We over heard you in the Floo saying you had some kind of emergency." Arthur blurted out while everyone nodded their heads. Hermione nodded. 

"Actually me and Scabior and his Grandmothers have an emergency. You see the House of Scabior is actually being sued by their Aunt Jennifer because she claims Rose here stole Fenrir Greyback from her..." Before Hermione could finish, everyone started to laugh. 

"Wait a minute... this person thinks they stole Fenrir?" Ron asked, pointed at Rose. 

"Actually..." Hermione started when Remus cut in. 

"That's bloody mad. Who in their right mind would even think about trying to kidnap Fenrir Greyback?" Remus asked. 

"I wouldn't call it stealing or kidnapping." Rose stated, "I call it rescuing." 

Everyone suddenly became silent before turning their heads to look at Rose in complete disbelief. Dorothy rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"You see what had happened was we noticed Aunt Jennifer was being very abusive towards Fenrir and Rose being the Hufflepuff she is, she took him so he wouldn't suffer anymore. Any questions?" Dorothy asked. 

"Just one," Remus said before glaring at Rose, "Why the bloody hell did you do it?" 

"Why?" Rose shouted, her mouth left opened as she stood up from her chair, "Because he was being abused!"

"He deserves it for what he did!" Ron blurted out while everyone nodded and mumbled in agreement. Hermione shook her head. 

"No one deserves abuse! Even if he is the most savage werewolf, he does not deserve it." Hermione stated to them all. Every one of them were glaring and shaking their heads as they mumbled about how she must have lost her marbles. 

"Okay, listen up everyone," Sophia suddenly spoke up as she stood up from her chair, "I get it. Fenrir has done some messed up crap in his past. He hurt people, he killed people, he screwed people over, and other things out of madness or anger or whatever. But lets not forget that man still has emotion, and for his entire life he was abused by the wizarding world himself for his condition. So much so, he felt the only way to get back at it was to form an army of werewolves to take it down. Even joined the Dark Lord to make it happen. Am I excusing his behavior? Hell no! I am just wanting you all to put yourselves in his shoes." 

"I also want to point, he is trying to be a better man than he was back then like my grandson, Scabior, here is. I think we should encourage that because not everyone wants to change given that the world makes them feel like it's no use so they never bother." Dorothy expressed her opinion as well. Suddenly, Remus snickered and began shaking his head. 

"He doesn't care about any of us. He's a savage werewolf. He's soulless, and evil and he deserve nothing more than death for what he has done. He only cares about is giving everyone his curse." Remus explained to them. Hermione took a deep breath as she felt tears start to form in her eyes. 

"So because he did some mistakes and because he is a werewolf, he should be abused?" Hermione asked as she glared at Remus. Remus nodded his head as everyone else agreed with him. Hermione chuckled. 

"You know... thank you all. Thank you all for showing me how prejudice you all really are. You all could have been such sweet friends with the Death Eaters." Hermione said as she headed for the door. 

"Oh come Hermione! Now that's not fair!" Harry called out. Hermione turned around as she glared at him. 

"No! What's not fair is you all turning your backs on someone, who is in need of help, all because he is flawed and a werewolf. What's not fair is you all are so determined to keep your damn grudges against him and not be the bigger person and make the first step because you all know he sure as hell isn't! And why would he? You all hate him because he's a werewolf! Oh! That sounds familiar, doesn't it guys? Like how the Death Eaters wouldn't get pass the fact I'm a muggle-born so they held grudges against me just being in this damn world with you all!" Hermione shot at them before storming out of the room, tears streaming down her face. 

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