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"What do you mean someone was in our house? How do you even know if someone was there or not?" Hermione asked, still in confusion and disbelief at what he was saying to her. He panted a bit till he found his voice to speak. 

"Well... Ginny was still a bit shaken up so I suggested in bringing her to our house. So Ron came with me and Ginny as we used the floo powder to travel to our house. Upon our arrival, we saw our entire house was torn up. It was like someone had been searching for something." Harry explained to her. She darted her eyes between Scabior and Harry. She knew she should go with Harry back to their home and see what had happened but she also knew she should stay and make sure Scabior was okay. Scabior lightly patted the back of her shoulder. 

"You go with him. I'll stay here and let you know the news is with Fenrir." Scabior assured her. She nodded before taking off running with Harry. They didn't waste a moment as they quickly apparated and entered into their house. Once they arrived, Hermione gasped. Harry was right. Their house was turned upside down. It appeared like a giant beast went rushing around searching for something. Even the walls and floors weren't spared of the person's determination of searching for whatever it was they were looking for. Hermione wandered about, her entire self still in complete shock. It was just like second year of Hogwarts again when they found Harry and Ron's dorm torn to shreds. 

"Who could have did this?" Harry asked while kicking up a torn up pillow from the sofa. Hermione shook her head. 

"I don't know. But it couldn't be any Death Eaters or some stranger who was looking for a place to hit. My protection spells would have stopped them. Even if they didn't mean any harm and were just here to rob the place." Hermione stated while she began scanning the house. It made her unease knowing that it wasn't some stranger that did this but someone they actually knew. Hermione walked through the doorway and into the kitchen where she saw Ginny, standing in the corner peering outwards as if she expect someone was going to pop out of somewhere. 

"Ginny," Hermione whispered. Ginny jolted a bit as she turned and shook her head. 

"Hermione, Ron told me to stay here in case they're still in the house." Ginny whispered back, returning her gaze into the hallway. Hermione motioned for Ginny to come over to her. Ginny slowly made her way into Hermione's arms as Hermione held her tightly in a hug. 

"It's going to be alright. I believe they are gone. Whoever it was, they're gone." Hermione assured her. 

"First this attack at Hope's house and now this? Death Eaters are relentless." Ginny mumbled against her arm. Hermione bit her lips as she shook her head. 

"Actually... Ginny... this was done by someone who is close to us." Hermione admitted to Ginny. Of course, Hermione knew Ginny was not in the right state of her mind to hear this but she felt Ginny needed the truth. Ginny's eyes widened as her mouth clench and unclenched. 

"Someone close to us? Did this?" Ginny asked, her breathing hitched. While Hermione was trying to calm her down, Harry and Ron came darting into the kitchen. 

"The house is empty. They left... but we searched the entire place top to bottom... they didn't take anything. Especially nothing of value." Harry said, dumbfounded. Hermione eyes widened as a thought popped in her head. 

"Maybe because they weren't looking for a something... but a someone." Hermione replied. 

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