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Everyone circled around Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny as they held out their wands towards where the sound had came from. Everyone was on edge as they waited for whoever to walk through that door. Hermione listened to the sound of heavy footsteps rushing down the hall. The door flung open without warning. Before anyone could say their spells, a huge figure holding the most thick quilts came rushing into the room. 

"Molly! Arthur! Remus! Tonks! McGonagall! Where are you?" Hagrid's voice came billowing through the air. Everyone ease up when they learn it was just Hagrid and not some crazy lunatic that was after them for some reason. Hermione couldn't help but laugh. 

"Hagrid, it's good to see you again." Harry blurted out, smiling. Hagrid roughly set the quilts down on one of the sofas as he turned to face them all. His mouth dropped to his chest as tears dripped down his face. Without warning, he rushed over and wrapped his arms around the four of them, crushing them a bit, as he started crying into their shoulders. 

"You're alive! But... but... When I got the letter... sent to me... it said something about you all being attack at Remus's mother's house... and... and that... you all four of you died! I rushed over here as soon as I could to make sure Molly and Arthur... and Remus and Tonks... and McGonagall had support. Thank Merlin's beard that you aren't dead!" Hagrid told them, sobbing, while he hugged tighter. Hermione's eyes widened as she lifted her head up. Before she could personally asked, Tonks stepped in.

"Hagrid, who told you about that? Or that they were dead?" Tonks asked. Hagrid let go as he wiped his eyes and nose before he reached his hand into his coat pocket. 

"Sorry... I completely forgot who sent it to me when I opened the letter and learned about what happened. It's in here," Hagrid claimed he pulled out the letter. 

"Did the letter also mentioned that we were robbed?" Hermione asked. Hagrid paused as he gasped. 

"You were robbed too? Merlin's beard, you guys are having the worse of luck." He mumbled while he handed the letter to McGonagall, who took it and began to read it out loud. 

"Dear Mr. Rubeus Hagrid, we are sorry to inform you that the wizards, Mister Harry James Potter, Miss Hermione Jean Granger,  Miss Ginevra Molly Weasley and Mister Ronald Bilius Weasley have been found dead this morning at Mrs. Hope Lupin's house, which had been recently attacked. It is believed that the Death Eaters, Fenrir Greyback and Sebastion Antioch Scabior, were responsible for this attack..." McGonagall then started to mumble the rest of the letter where it stated about where Molly, Arthur, Remus, Tonks and McGonagall were at and about something requesting his being there. Once she was finished reading, Hermione shook her head. 

"So there was a purpose of this attack!" Hermione growled, "Someone had wanted to kill the four of us and pin it on Scabior and Fenrir. But why?" 

"And then why rob our house?" Harry asked, "What was the whole point in that? And who the bloody hell wrote this letter, who clearly knew this whole situation was going on?" 

"To answer the who wrote the letter," McGonagall spoke, drawing everyone's eyes on her, "It was Dolores Umbridge." 

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