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A/n: this chapter contains a lemon! You have been warned.

Scabior and Hermione walked through the hallway till they reached the door that was right beside Scabior's room.

"Here you go, my lady," Scabior told her while he opened the door for her. She stepped in as she gaze around the room. It was almost as big as Scabior's room, but it could be due to the size of the bed. It was huge and appeared like it could fit about ten of her easily. There was also a dresser, a trunk and an empty walk-in closet. The walls were that similar gray appearance and the floorboard was the same color as well. There was also a large window that opened to a balcony. Hermione walked over and glance out. It hung over a large garden in the back. 

"Sorry about the decor, it's a bit dreadful. My parents never had any guests over when they learned I was a Slytherin. They were embarrassed to think of the idea of anyone finding out their son was part of that house." Scabior explained. Hermione nodded. 

"Thanks again, I wish you goodnight." Hermione told him. Scabior tilted his head and snorted. 

"Yeah... no..." Scabior stated while shutting the door behind him. Hermione's eyes widened as she crossed her hands over her chest. 

"I beg your pardon?" 

"We had a deal?" 


"Oh, don't you act all forgetful now. You remember, if I behave myself I get to do anything I want to you sexually." Scabior reminded her while walking over towards her, "And I'm holding you up to that bargain." 

Hermione rolled her eyes at how childish he was being. She couldn't believe how eager he was to get this reward for something so stupid. She sighed, deciding it was better to get it over with now then later. 

"Fine, what do you want to do? Remember it has to be within reason." Hermione told him. Suddenly she felt him pick her up and pressed her against the bed. He pinned her arms above her head as he leaned his lips against her ear. His tongue lightly brushed up her earlobe before moving downward, leaving a trail of kisses. His hands slowly slid down her arms as they reached down and caress her breasts. Hermione bit her lips as she tighten her hold on the blankets and sheets when he moved her legs to the sides and lightly thrusted against her. He sucked on the corner of her neck while gently nipping and pulling at her skin. 

Hermione couldn't help but begin running her hands over his shoulders, pulling at his jacket. Her hands lowered down till they lightly pressed against his pockets. She felt that there was something in his pocket as she remembered about something Sophia had given him. Carefully, she slipped her hand into the pocket and pulled out the item. She peered down at her hand till she blushed. Right in her palm, were about three condoms. Her entire body stiffened as her face flushed. Scabior paused as he mumbled a 'what' against her skin. He peered over as his eyes landed on what Hermione was holding. Scabior jolted up as his entire face flared up. 

"I swear I wasn't planning on turning this into sex with you! My Grandma Sophia just jumps the gun and she just assumes things. You met her! You know how she's like." Scabior tried to defend himself. Hermione, without thinking, tore off one and toss the other two aside. Before Scabior could ask, she tossed it at him, and he caught it. His entire eyes grew in size as he watch in complete shock as she reached beneath her dress and slipped her panties off. 

"Well, we already have them and they probably going to assume we did it," Hermione told him. His mouth dropped. Before Hermione could change her mind, Scabior unzipped his pants and let them and his boxers dropped while opening the condom. Once he pulled it over his shaft, he positioned it at her entrance. He peered up at her, waiting for her signal. She nodded and he pulled in slowly. Hermione gasped as she felt herself tighten around him. She grabbed hold of his coat, pulling him closer to her while he pulled back then slowly paced his thrusting in and out of her. Scabior wait till Hermione began to buck her hips to start to add speed to his thrusting. After every few minutes, Scabior thrusted faster till he was pound into her. Scabior locked his lips with Hermione, who was moaning against his lips as her hands ran under his shirt and over his chest. Hermione gasped as she felt a knot begin to form in her. 

"Scabior, I'm about to..." She started till she moan when the knot got tighter in her. 

"I know, I'm about there." He whispered to her. He thrusted a few more times till she came on him. Scabior kept thrusting till he slam into her and came in the condom. Scabior pulled out of her and removed the condom from him. She could see some of his load dripping off of him. Hermione didn't know what came over her but she found herself climbing over till she was wrapping her lips around his shaft. She listened to him as he grunted when he came a second time in her mouth. Once she was sure he was clean, she slurp his load down and sat on the edge. Just as she was removing her dress and bra, she happened to look up just in time to see a huge smirk on his face. 


"What happened to no blow jobs?" he asked, snickering. She rolled her eyes. 

"Shut up and get into bed." She ordered him as she slithered into the covers. Scabior proceed to remove his shirt and jacket as he slipped beside her. 

"Well then I believe that would mean that you deserve a reward as well," Scabior told her before climbing down. She was about to ask him what he was doing when she felt her legs being spread apart and his tongue roaming around her folds. Her head flung back as her eyes rolled inward just as she pulled the covers over her head. It had just began a very busy night for them. 

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