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"Session hearing between Jennifer Scabior and Rose Nylund, Dorothy Zbornak, Blanche Devereaux, and Sophia Petrillo over the kidnapping of Fenrir Greyback." the minister spoke out from his pulpit while everyone stood in their respectable places. Dorothy was finding it hard to focus with Jennifer's mutts barking and growling while they were roaming around like crazy. But she forced herself to do so. She needed to ensure that everything went their way. After all, she was more of the collected one between all four of them. She took a quick gaze over to see Arthur and Molly sitting in the bleachers. Ron, Harry and Ginny wasn't allowed in. Apparently children weren't allow to hear these cases. 

"Do you deny kidnapping Fenrir Greyback?" The minister asked. 

"Somewhat, your honor..." Rose started when Jennifer cut in. 

"You heard her your honor! She admits it! They stole him from me!" Jennifer shouted, shaking her head like she had done something. The Minister shook his hand at her. 

"Let them speak," the Minister told her then turned to Rose, "What do you mean when you say 'somewhat'?" 

 "What I mean sir, is we did take him, but it wasn't out of kidnapping him. We were rescuing him from Jennifer." Rose admitted to the Minister. The Minister look at her like she said something stupid to them. 

"Rescuing him? From what?" he asked. 

"Her abuse, your honor! You should have seen her! She dragged him into our house on a leash and collar like he was some damn dog! He was also clearly being starved to death and beaten! We saw the scars all over him. Gave you all photos. I hope you looked at them?" Blanche stated, proudly, placing her hands on her hips. Suddenly the entire court started to actually laugh. It was enough to make Dorothy lose her composure. 

"Are you really trying to tell us that a man like Fenrir, who is about two feet taller and has muscles, actually was taken down a notch by an older woman?" the Minister asked, laughing. Dorothy finally lost her cool. 

"Now wait just a minute! Are you trying to tell us you don't believe what we are telling you because Fenrir is a man? Are you serious telling us that men can't be abused? That women can't be abusive? Because if you are, then we're going to have a problem!" Dorothy asked, almost finding herself storming up to the Minister's pulpit. The Minister held up his hand. 

"Calm down, ma'am..." 

"No! I will not calm down! You're in this delusional world where women are all victims and men are all abusers! That's not how it is! I hate to burst your bubble, but there are such thing as abusive women just as there are men who are victims." Dorothy growled at them. 

"That is not what we are implying. We're just saying that if Fenrir is being abused, why doesn't he defend himself?" The Minister asked. 

"Because if he did defend himself, you'll probably say he's trying to hurt her and send him to Azkaban! Don't you understand? He's in a lose-lose situation! He defends himself, he gets called a criminal! He doesn't, he keeps getting the beaten the hell up! I mean tell me? Do you really expect someone to put up with being beaten up?" Dorothy shot at the Minister. He shook his head. 

"Now listen, we don't wish for anyone to be abused by anyone. We're just saying that given his history, it's hard to place him in the victim seat." 

"Well put him there because he is a victim in this case. We sent the damn files you all asked for and we all testified that this woman was being a complete monster towards Fenrir. Didn't you see the pictures of his bruises? He couldn't have possibly caused them to himself." Dorothy stated, taking a deep breath to cool her blood that was boiling within her veins. The minister shook his head.

"Yes, we did look over the files. We're not sure if it's enough proof to convict Jennifer for any wrongdoing." The minister stated. 

"Now you hold up," Sophia cut in, "What the hell do you mean it's not enough?" 

"I'm sorry, he could have gotten those bruises from anything. Now I asked you four, are you so determined to pin your own family with these accusations? Do you really want to put your family's name in more shame than it already is? Especially when the word gets out that are you trying to protect a monster such as Fenrir Greyback?" he asked. It was then Dorothy knew what the minister was doing. He didn't want to admit Fenrir was a victim all because he had screwed up in the past. And now, the Minister believed Fenrir was getting the punishment he deserved. Dorothy cursed under her breath as she prayed Hermione, Tonks, Remus, and Scabior were having better luck then they were. 

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