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"We did it! We did it! We finally beat that woman!" Hermione shouted as everyone went around hugging each other and cheering and laughing that they were able to finally be rid of Jennifer and dealing with her complete BS. She completely forgot herself as she hugged Scabior as tightly as she could. Scabior even forgot himself as he returned the hug, his face buried deep against her neck while Hermione buried her face into his hair. 

Harry was patting Ron on the back, thrilled that they were able to succeed in defeating Jennifer for Hermione, until his eyes landed on a sight he couldn't ignore. He watched how Scabior and Hermione were hugging each other. It wasn't the normal type of hugging like Harry would give to Hermione. This was a more personal hugging. A closer type of hug. The closeness of the two, the way they nuzzle their faces against each other, the way their arms wrapped around like they never wanted to release the other one from their hold revealed it to Harry. But most of all, it was the way Scabior was smiling. Harry couldn't see Hermione's lips, but he had a guest it was the same as Scabior's grin. A sweet, joy that only something great could cause. Harry chuckled as it was starting to click that there was something between Hermione and Scabior. 

Scabior could have hold onto Hermione forever and felt himself ready to tighten his hold on her when he felt like they were being watched. Peering from the corner of his eye, he saw Harry looking at them. Quickly, Scabior released his hold on Hermione, who was a bit shocked with Scabior's sudden release. He motioned with his head to her to notice Harry's looking over towards them. Hermione glanced over to find Harry was looking at them. 

Before she could speak, a bright flicker of light came floating over towards them. It didn't take long for them to figure out it was a patronus of a cat. It walked along the air till it was at eye level with the entire group. Hermione knew as soon as she saw it that this patronus belonged to McGonagall, herself. 

"My friends, it pains me dearly to inform you that we had been under attack. A man, who has just confessed to be paid by Jennifer, had broken into our house and has attacked Fenrir. We're at St. Mungo's right now but Fenrir is in critical condition." McGonagall voice billowed to them before it flickered away. Hermione's eyes widened as she felt her heart pounding within her chest. Scabior and Hermione shared a look before they quickly vanished into thin air. 

It didn't take long till they appeared right in the lobby of St. Mungo's and headed straight for the front desk. Hermione nearly slammed into the desk, which the Healer behind it probably thought the same thing since she nearly jumped out of her seat. 

"Can I help you?" The healer asked, her voice shaking a bit. 

"Yes, we're looking for a patient. Fenrir Greyback." Hermione stated to her. The healer ran through some files then nodded to herself. 

"He's in the Emergency Room right now. You'll have to wait till he is out of intensive care before you could go and see him." The healer claimed to them. Hermione jumped when she heard a loud bang came beside her. She turned to see Scabior had slammed his hands against the desk and was proceeding off somewhere. Hermione mumbled a 'thanks' before she ran right after Scabior. She dash after Scabior till she was in arms length to grab hold of his arm and pull him towards her. She could see within his eyes that there was anger and sorrow. Hermione gently pushed some of his hair from his face, which caused Scabior to wrap his arms around her tightly again. She felt him weep against her shoulder as he shivered. 

"We bloody won! We bloody won! But... but he won't be around to celebrate." Scabior whimpered against her shoulder. Hermione ran her hands through his hair. 

"You don't know anything yet. Fenrir is a tough guy. He's not going to let that bitch win by dying. He's going to make it through it. I'm sure of it." Hermione whispered to him as she buried her face into the back of his head. She allowed him to weep as they stood there, waiting patiently for news that Fenrir was going to be alright. 

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