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"I had just dropped you off at your father's house," Hope continued the story, "which I didn't want to do, when I noticed the door was opened a tiny bit. I slowly headed inside...and there he was. Sitting at the table, playing with the pie pan. I had asked him what he was doing here and he explained how he wanted to say how sorry he was for what he had done and to return the pie pan. Of course, we had a whole conversation about the whole stealing of the pie thing. But when he asked me for my forgiveness, I made him an offer. If he were to watch over for you while you were at your father's house, I would forgive him." 

"Wait! You made a deal with him to watch me?" Remus asked in disbelief. 

"She was that paranoid that your father was going to try something else stupid." Fenrir defended her. Hope nodded. 

"And he did a good job too. He would watch you and give me reports to ensure your safety. He only wished that he could have stopped Lyall from putting you down in the basement every time the full moon was on the weekends." Hope explained. 

"Dad did that so that I wouldn't hurt anyone." Remus defended his father. Fenrir scoffed. 

"Yeah and it was bad for you. You would get all scarred up because the wolf side was scared and didn't know what it was dealing with. So like a caged animal would do, it did what it needed to do to get out of the cage. Including biting the leg almost off," Fenrir shot at him. Tonks glared at Remus. 

"You never told me it was that bad!" Tonks growled. Remus shook his head before turning towards his mother.

"But what about you? What did you do to ensure I was better off?" Remus asked. 

"When it came to the full moon, before the moon got out, I slipped a sleeping pill in your drink then gave you to Fenrir." Hope said. Remus's eyes widened. 

"I'm sorry what?" 

"Yeah, I was asked to help you through the transformation. She gave you a sleeping pill, which made the transformation easier since you didn't fight against it so you barely noticed. I undressed you first so you didn't rip your PJs. Then let you go off. You were an adorable pup always roaming around, playing with the squirrels or whenever we got near a creek you made it your mission to splash around in it. Sometimes you would find your way home and try to claw your way through the door." Fenrir stated, "Then when you turned back, you were back to sleep, so I quick dressed you and then placed you back in the bed. You didn't even noticed." 

"Of course then you got your letter from Hogwarts, which I was so proud of you, but also concern given that I didn't know how they would handle you being a werewolf. Thankfully, Dumbledore and I came to an agreement to allow you in there. But I asked Fenrir to watch you during your stay, so that if anyone had cursed you out, I would know." Hope claimed. Remus flung his head into his hands. He just couldn't believe this. All this time, Fenrir and his mother were actually buddies and Fenrir watched over him without him even knowing it.  Worse, how could he not have noticed? Was he that stupid? Or was Fenrir just that smart about stalking his prey? 

"Hey don't blame your mother about any of this. She did what she thought was best in making sure you were well protected. If you need to be mad at someone, be mad at me. I'm used to it." Fenrir ordered. Remus shook his head unable to say a word. However, Tonks wasn't the same. 

"Excuse me, so you watched Remus for awhile, yes?" Tonks asked. Fenrir nodded his head while Remus gaze up towards him, "So then you would have seen Remus give me this huge bouquet of flowers with the most loveliest of poems ever written, correct?" 

"Tonks I told you, I didn't send you those flowers or wrote that poem." Remus stated to her. His eyes widened as he slowly turned to look at his mother and Fenrir, who were suddenly quiet and appeared like they were trying to be invisible. 

"You two wouldn't have anything to do with this now... do you?" Remus asked. For moment, they didn't say anything till his mother stood up. 

"Tea, anyone?" Hope asked while she scurried off to the kitchen with Fenrir right behind. Remus shook his head, unable to believe any of this while the rest of the group were laughing their heads off. 

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