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Scabior walked through the halls of his old house till he reached his old bedroom. Slowly, he turned the knob before he walked into the room. It was just as he remembered. It had his old dusty bed, toys and books littered over the floor, his little puppets he made from the bones of bats. He lightly pulled on the string as he bats began to flutter around like they were actually planning to go somewhere. 

He chuckled before he moved through the room. He glance over to see an old photograph. He walked towards it as he picked it up and held it to his face. It was off him as a little kid, being hugged by his four Grandmothers, on the day he was accepted to Hogwarts. He chuckled as he remembered how excited he was to tell them all that he was accepted. He remembered he went straight to Grandma Sophia, who was cooking at the time. Grandma Rose was there as well, making some strange meal he had no clue of pronouncing. As soon as he handed her the opened, they were all cheering and holding him and telling him how he should show it off to the rest of his family. He proceeded to go to find Grandma Dorothy and Blanche, who were cleaning the library at the time. Dorothy actually did a cartwheel when he showed her the letter as Blanche gave him big red kisses against his forehead. Lastly he showed his parents, who were at work and they seemed just as thrilled as the rest. 

Boy was he wrong. They were only half proud. They wanted him to be sorted into the supposed 'right' house. Which was anything utter than Slytherin. But the day came and he was placed in Slytherin. He remembered how the Sorted Hat was with him that day. 

"Ah! Another Scabior? This is very tricky, very tricky indeed. You have abilities for each house you know? Loyalty like your Grandma Rose, Smarts like your Grandma Dorothy, Bravery like your Grandma Blanche, but most importantly Ambition like your Grandma Sophia. So... better be... SLYTHERIN!" 

He knew Grandma Sophia was going to be proud of him... but he never thought of the horrors that await him. When he sent a letter telling them about his house, he was shocked to find a week later his parents being dragged out of his school by his Grandmothers, screaming off their heads that their son didn't belong in Slytherin. That got him harassed a lot by his own house because they thought he was stuck up for his parents saying that he didn't belong in Slytherin. Of course he was bullied for being a Slytherin but nothing was worse then what his housemates did. He attempted to try and reason with them that he was okay with it but they didn't care. They called him 'Ant' as a way to insult him and they would do horrible things to him. For years he wanted to just curl up and die. His parents didn't make it easier for him as well. They ensure he would go through hell even at home. They barely talked to him before but now it almost came to nothing but berating and yelling. 

Then on his seventh year when he was snooping around the restricted area, this bully of his found him and tried to push him around. Fed up with being mistreated, Scabior held out his wand and uttered the only words that could come to his head. 

Avada Kedavra 

He knew it was going to get him into trouble, but he didn't care at the moment. It then his life completely went down hill. Scabior was about to leave when the back of his foot hit something. He gaze down to see his old violin. He remembered how it was one of things he truthfully wanted to learn about. He reached down and picked it up with the bow as he held it in front of him. It was his instrument that helped him ignore the fighting that his parents did with his Grandmothers, who tried to defend him. He gently lifted it to the crook of his neck as he held the cold wood against his skin. He carefully placed the bow against the strings as he began to play it. 

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