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It felt like hours had passed (especially with getting rid of Jennifer) till everyone had finished their grieving and said goodbye. When the last person was gone, Dorothy quickly shut the door as she turned to face everyone. 

"Okay everyone split up and go find Rose. We're not going to jump into any conclusions but it better to ensure she didn't do anything stupid." Dorothy told everyone. 

"When is she not doing anything stupid?" Sophia asked, earning her dirty looks before everyone went their separate ways to go find Rose. Hermione and Scabior went searching for Rose together. Scabior lead the way as he took her towards a door in the kitchen. 

"If I know Rose, she probably took him into the bomb shelter. It's the perfect place to hide someone." Scabior explained to her while opening the door and proceeded to head down the stairs. She followed behind as her mind went thinking of exactly what to do if Rose did steal Fenrir. She wouldn't admit it, but she would be glad if Rose took Fenrir away. But at the same time, Rose could be sent to Azkaban for aiding in the escape of a Snatcher/Death Eater and she sure as hell did not want Rose to be sent there. She was too nice of a woman to be sent to a horrible place. They went through the hallway calling out for Rose when they reached a door that was open with light flooding from it. 

"Grandma Rose? Are you in there?" Scabior called out as he walked into the room. Hermione followed as her eyes landed right in the far corner, laying down on an old cot, was Fenrir. He seemed finally at peace as his head leaned back on his pillow. Scabior scurried over to Fenrir as he leaned over him. Without even hesitating, Scabior started to poke at Fenrir's cheeks. Before Hermione could say something, Fenrir, without even looking up, spoke. 

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to bite your fingers off." Fenrir warned, slowly opening his eyes. 

"Still the Fenrir I worked with. How you holding up?" Scabior asked, grabbing a chair and placing it right beside him before sitting down. Fenrir pushed himself up to a sitting position, grunting in pain. 

"Better now that I'm out of that bitch's care. I swear I was on the verge of ripping her throat out one of these days but knowing that I risk getting sent back to Azkaban, I kept my claws and teeth to myself. I rather get those beating than get my soul sucked out by those dementors." Fenrir claimed. Then his eyes rose as they landed onto Hermione. A sly smirk slowly slither on his lips before returning to Scabior. 

"I'm guessing... you're with her?" Fenrir asked with a tone like he told a secret joke and it had Hermione curious of what the punchline was. Scabior fumbled with the ends of his hair while he was messing with his lips. 

"Yes..." Scabior answered. It was then that Fenrir burst out laughing. Not a sinister chuckle sort of laughter, but a loud gut-splitting sort of laugh that had him rolling around in the bed. Scabior rolled his eyes while shaking his head. Hermione thought he had finally gone barking mad after getting beaten so harshly. 

"What's so funny?" Hermione questioned, wanting to understand the joke. Fenrir wiped a tear from his eye as he composed himself. 

"The irony. Just... the bloody irony..." Fenrir mumbled between giggles. Before Hermione could asked again, Scabior stood up and headed over to her. 

"You know what it is? I think he's high. He is high off strong pain killers that my Grandma had given him for the pain. You know he never used them before and he's now high as a kite. I believe you should maybe give him a glass of water for him, maybe that will help him compose himself." Scabior suggested to her before lightly pushing her out of the room. Once she was out, Scabior shut the door tight on her. Hermione was confused. She didn't understand what was going on, but she was determined to find out. So she stood right beside the door, pressing her ear against the door, she listened in.  

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