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"What am I going to do? I mean how am I supposed to break it to him? We never even discuss having children! Hell we never even talked about marriage!" Hermione shrieked while she paced around in Ginny's room. She was trying to figure out the best course of action she needed to inform Scabior that he was going to be a father. The reason why she mostly didn't want to tell Scabior was because she didn't want to hear Scabior say that he didn't want to be the father and feared it would caused them to break up. Then what would happen between them? He couldn't very well be taken back because Hermione was foolish enough to get her feelings hurt by allowing him to get near her. It had to be a really good reason to send him back. 

"I'm sure he'll understand. I mean he has to. You two been doing it so many times, he knew it was bound to happen," Ginny suggested, a little gloomy. Hermione turned her head. 

"Is everything alright?" she asked, knowing how Ginny felt about Scabior. Ginny shrugged her shoulders. 

"Nothing... it's just... well, Harry hasn't... you know and now I hear you are now pregnant because of how much you two... do it." Ginny explained. Hermione let out a light 'ooh', understanding what Ginny's problem was. Hermione sat down beside Ginny as she lightly patted her knee. 

"If you want, I can take Scabior out somewhere private to tell him about this and have Ron go off somewhere, then you two can have the house all to yourself to discuss about it?" Hermione suggested to her. Ginny shrugged her shoulders. 

"That would be pleasant. I hope I don't sound... desperate. But I would like it if Harry and I finally talk about our relationship." Ginny stated. Hermione shook her head. 

"It's not desperate at all, Ginny. You have the right to discuss this with Harry. It makes a lot of sense because you have every right to know where you stand." Hermione assured her, lightly grinning.  

*time skip* 

"So what was so important you had to drag me out and send Ginger off home?" Scabior asked while they walked down Diagon Alley. Hermione was able to lie to Ron about his brother Bill needed him for the afternoon. Hermione bit her lips, trying to find the right words to say to ease Scabior into this. Scabior wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against his side while he laid his head on top of Hermione's head. 

"Ginny needed to discuss something privately with Harry." Hermione explained to him, "also, I have to tell you something important as well." 

Scabior's body suddenly stiffened, which worried Hermione herself. He slowly pulled away so that he was looking directly at her. 

"What?" he asked, in a sorrowful tone that nearly made Hermione cringe. Her mouth opened and shut a couple of times, trying to figure out how to say the right words to him. 

"Scabior... I don't know how to say this... but you have every right to know this," Hermione starting, pausing a bit to force herself to say it, "I'm pregnant." 

She tucked her head against her chest and proceeded to wait for the worse of the worse to come out of Scabior's mouth. However it didn't come. She peeked up to see Scabior's face was twisted into a complete look of being stunned. 

"You're what?" Scabior mumbled under his breath. Hermione cleared her throat as she forced it out of her throat again. 

"I'm pregnant, Scabior. You're the father." Hermione stated. She was just about to tell him that if he didn't want to be in the child's life that it would be find, when he suddenly let out a yelp of joy and picked her up by her waist and started to spin her around like crazy. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, screaming a bit from the outburst. Everyone looked at them like they were insane. Scabior finally settled her down onto her two feet as he was grinning like a fool. 

"Oh Merlins! I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a dad!" he cheered, lightly pressing his hands on her face. She burst out laughing. She was expecting the worst, but instead got the best response she could ever wish for. She leaned in against him, holding him tight as she was thrilled that he was excited they were having this baby as much as she was. 

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