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Hermione and Scabior dash throughout the hallways, not caring the least about how it made them appear to people that they had past. They had a mission to do and nothing was going to get in their way now. They turned a few more corners till they saw the door to Umbridge's office. Without any warning, Hermione broke down the door before rushing into the room. She paused in front of the desk when she noticed that Umbridge wasn't there. 

"She's not here. I'll watch out for anyone trying to walk in, you go on and search for it." Scabior growled, peering down to the door, watching out for someone to come into the office. Hermione didn't waste a moment as she rushed behind the desk as she began to rummage through the desk. She didn't bother with worrying about making a mess around the desk, she was too much determined to discover where that Veritaserum would be. She was just about to go through another drawer when she heard the door opening. Her head shot up to see Umbridge walking in from a side door that went unnoticed. She froze where she stood as everyone stared at each other. 

"What are you two doing in my office? Why are you going through my things? I did nothing wrong." Umbridge asked, bewildered as she kept glancing back and forth between Hermione and Scabior. Scabior raised his hand up as he pointed directly to Umbridge. 

"Listen, Pinky, we know you have Veritaserum on hand and we demand you hand it over." Scabior ordered her. Umbridge placed her hands on her hips as she glared right at Scabior. 

"Excuse me! There isn't anything wrong with me having Veritaserum on hand." Umbridge shot at him. Before Scabior could say another word, Hermione rushed from behind as she stood between Scabior and Umbridge. 

"We're not after you Umbridge. We just need to borrow some of the Veritaserum to help our friends and his family get out of a crisis. We need it to make his Aunt Jennifer to confess that she's behind our attack and framing him and Fenrir and Hagrid." Hermione explained to Umbridge. Umbridge's eyes widened. 

"Jennifer... Scabior? That bitch is your aunt?" Umbridge asked as she pointed at him. Scabior's eyes widened while he nodded his head. Umbridge rushed over to the other side of the room as she opened the top drawer of the filing cabinet. She pulled out a few bottles of Veritaserum as she handed them to Hermione. Hermione took them from her as she felt a sense of disbelief run over her. 

"Thank you... but I have to ask why are you helping us?" Hermione asked her, curious about the answer. Umbridge shrugged her shoulders. 

"That woman stole my look and she made a mockery out of me for it... and I know she was the one that stole my prized frock coat." Umbridge explained herself. Hermione nodded her head as she mumbled another thank you to her while she took hold of Scabior's hand and they ran out of there as quick as a flash finally now able to find some justice for their friends. 

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