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A/n: The history of the Scabior's comes from https://theharrypottermafia.fandom.com/wiki/(Sebastian)_Antioch_Scabior so I do not own it. I did change it up a bit to fit the story a bit better. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 

Hermione followed behind Rose, Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia to the parlor as Scabior had went to see his old room again. He wanted to be alone as he looked over things and Hermione didn't push to be with him. Once they were settling down, Hermione couldn't help but ask what Scabior had been when he was younger. 

"He was the best kid anyone could ask for. He was kind, caring, sweet, always wanting to do his best at everything, eager to learn something new each day. Once when he was about five years old, he made it a goal to know Sophia's recipes by the end of the summer." Rose answered, lightly chuckled. 

"So then what happened? You know... that may have made him this way?" Hermione asked. Everyone sighed. 

"Hogwarts. Hogwarts happened," Dorothy explained, "At least that was where I remember it going down hill." 

"To be more precise, it was when he got sorted when it began going down hill." Blanche confirmed. Hermione tilted her head. 

"Really?" she asked.

"At first, it was the happiest day of our lives," Sophia spoke, "Picture it, he gets his letter in the mail. We were so thrilled! He got into Hogwarts just like everyone else before him. Everyone in our family began discussing what house he was going to be in." 

"Of course," Blanche cut in," We all thought he would be sorted in our own houses. His father and I thought he would be in Gryffindor, Rose thought Hufflepuff, Dorothy and his mother thought Ravenclaw, and Sophia believed Slytherin." 

"We knew he was most likely going to end up in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin because of his smarts and ambition." Rose admitted.

"And lo and behold, I was right! I was so thrilled." Sophia cheered, "Another Slytherin in the house... And then hell broke lose." 

"What happened?" Hermione asked 

"I don't know why but my daughter and her husband freaked out. And I don't mean stunned freak out, I mean barking mad freaked out." Dorothy stated, "They kept up for a whole week saying there was no way their child was in Slytherin." 

"It was because the Dark Lord was in Slytherin that they didn't want Scabior to be in it. But it became so silly. We tried to convince them it wasn't the end of the world and they should calm down." Sophia claimed. 

"Oh, but it got messier." Blanche claimed, "Remember against our wishes, they went down to that school and demanded an explanation for this outrage. It was so bad we had to come down and drag them out of the school right in front of poor Scabior, who was horrify to find them behaving like this. I was so embarrassed with my son, I didn't speak with him for a whole month." 

"I didn't speak with my daughter as well," Dorothy agreed, "but even though we may have been embarrassed, it caused life to be unbearable for Scabior. He wasn't just harassed by the other houses, he was harassed by his own house because they felt like he thought he was better than them. So they made it their duty to make his life a living hell." 

"Worse, his parents were just as bad. When we brought this information up, they didn't even think about trying to go to that school to find a solution to stop this harassment. They never looked at him the same way after he was sorted. They became so cold towards him we actually moved in to ensure he was being taken care of." Rose confirmed. 

"We also feared his parents might not be actually feeding him since we visited one time and he was nearly bones. I could see his ribs pointing out of his chest." Sophia pointed out. 

"Sad part is that even though we knew it was bad, we didn't realize exactly how bad until we got the news he was going to be sent to Azkaban when he was fourteen or fifteen." Blanche declared. 

"What?" Hermione questioned. 

"He killed a boy. Scabior claimed it was self-defense but because he had used the Killing Curse, they sent him away." Rose answered. 

"His parents didn't even cry. I slapped my granddaughter when she had the nerve of blaming his house on him killing that boy. We never had a relationship with each other after the whole incident but we lived in the same house." Sophia admitted as Dorothy shook her head in agreement. Hermione was stunned. She couldn't believe the very proud, smug Snatcher, who seemed so confident, so unbreakable, had a horrible and sorrowful past. Hermione suddenly had an urge to go see Scabior. She gentle pushed herself from the sofa as she excused herself to go check up on Scabior, which they nodded their understanding, as she proceeded to go find Scabior. Even though Hermione didn't want to admit it out loud, part of her seems to start to develop a strong feeling for him. 

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