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A/n: This chapter contains some scenes from the series Everybody Loves Raymond season 2 Episode 15 "Marie's Meatballs". I hope you enjoy.

Hermione couldn't sleep. She had a bad feeling since Ron left her room that he was going to try something. So she slipped from her room and headed straight to the kitchen. When she walked in, she froze at the sight she was looking at. Ron was leaning over a box, flinging ingredients inside it. 

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked, bewildered at what was going inside Ron's head. Without even looking at her, Ron spoke. 

"I'm packing up these ingredients. Can't cook, shouldn't try." Ron growled as he proceeded over to the counter. 

"What are you talking about Ron?" She questioned, wondering where this self-defeat came from. Ron shook his head while returning to his box. 

"I saw the recipe." 


"Yeah, I found the box where Scabior kept his recipes, I saw his spaghetti recipe and... and my notes are the same as his recipe. Now I know I can't cook. Because I don't have the love." Ron mumbled, messing with the label on the spice bottle labeled basil. 

"You went through his things?" Hermione asked, "how could you, Ron? He did this for you and you invade his privacy? He didn't have to, but he chose to spend the whole day teaching you a precious recipe from his family  and you go accusing him of doing something so awful! What do you have to say?" 

"Hermione, what is this?" Ron asked, holding on a ripped off label, "This bottle of basil Scabior got has another label here." 

Hermione moved Ron's hand so she could look. Just as he said, it did have another label on it marked 'Tarragon'.  Ron removed the lid and tasted a bit. His eyes widened before narrowing then passing it over to her. Without wasting a minute, Hermione tasted some of it. 

"Hey, that's your weird taste." 

"Oh it is, is it?" Ron growled, closing the lid on the bottle. 

"That can't be in his recipe."

"Oh it's not." Ron shot at her. Oh bloody hell, Hermione thought while Ron started to laugh.

"That's Scabior for you! You really think he's trying to help me?" Ron asked her, glaring her down. 

"Why would he go through all this trouble? Wouldn't it be easier for him to leave out something or what have you?" 

"For a beginner! Bloody hell! It even looks like basil! Look at this label? It fits perfectly on this bottle!" Ron said while putting the label back on the bottle, "Forget the Dark Lord! Scabior is the real evil genius here!" 

"I don't get." Hermione said, upset and heartbroken with how Scabior could have done this let alone why he would do this. 

"You know what I don't get, Hermione. How you couldn't see my side of this? You're here throwing your faith in with the very man, who was willing to sell you for a few bucks, and making me look like some ungrateful nutter!" Ron shouted at her, "Well who's the nutter now Hermione? Who's the nutter now?" 

Ron then slammed the bottle onto the table before running out of the kitchen, mumbling under his breath of how he was right all along. Hermione blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. Grabbing hold of the bottle, Hermione stormed off towards Scabior's room. 

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