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A/n: This chapter contains sexual parts. You have been warned. 

Hermione was left speechless when Harry had asked his question. She didn't know what to say. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to let anyone know about their relationship just yet let alone if Scabior wanted to let... well... she felt he may want to tell people but for gloating purposes and not really out of love. She cleared her throat. 

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, trying to see if he even thinks there really is something between Scabior and her. Harry shrugged his shoulders. 

"I mean... you've changed around him. You're not at all angry and wanted to rip his head off. Now you are cuddly with him. I feel you two gotten a bit closer to each other. I was wondering... are you two friends or what?" Harry asked her. She felt her face blush a bit. She was now suddenly thankful Harry was dumb. 

"Yeah... we sort of warmed up to each other." Hermione slightly lied to him. Harry nodded his head. 

"Well that's great. I'm so happy you two are getting along." Harry claimed while heading out of the hospital. Hermione shook her head, lightly chuckling as she followed behind him. 

time skip 

"He really thinks we're just friends?" Scabior asked, snickering while he was going about making dinner. Hermione sat down at the counter, watching as Scabior roamed around the kitchen. She couldn't help but enjoy watching Scabior as he cook. It was like he was doing magic; only in the muggle way of cooking. 

"Yeah, he can be dimwitted at times." Hermione explained to him. Scabior shook his head. 

"So what did you tell him?" he asked her, throwing pasta into the pot on the oven. Hermione shrugged her shoulders while reaching over to stick her fingers into the chocolate that Scabior had melted for the dessert. 

"I didn't know what to say." Hermione admitted. Scabior peered over his shoulder. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I didn't know if you wanted us to come out fully or not. I didn't want to speak for you. To be honest, it's kind of exciting being in a secret relationship." Hermione answered him. Scabior chuckled. 

"Oh really? It excites you being with me?" he whispered while moving over towards her like a tiger about to pounce on its prey. Hermione laughed, shaking her head. Before she could say something, she shrieked when she felt Scabior grabbing her hips and pushing her rear against his pelvis. 

"Does it also excite you doing it in places that are high risk of getting caught?" he whispered, his hands slipping under her skirt to flip it upward. Hermione reached down and stopped him when his fingers slipped underneath the trim of her underwear. 

"Hey, hey! Hands off!" She shrieked, chuckling. Scabior laughed against her neck. 

"Come on! It will be quick!" he promised her. She flung her head back against his shoulders, unable to control her laughter at how Scabior was being childish. Hermione lightly slapped her hands against his chest. 

"Your pot is boiling! You need to focus on your cooking or you'll burn the house down!" Hermione shot at him. Scabior groaned as he moved to finish making dinner. 

"So we're keeping this under wraps? Till we finally feel good enough to tell everyone?" He asked her. She nodded her head. 

"I like that." Hermione told him. 

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