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Remus stood outside of the door as he felt his entire being start to shake violently. He knew that Rose would get after him if he didn't do it. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his hand around the knob and slowly pushed forward. He peered in as his eyes landed right on Fenrir, who was sleeping on a cot. He carefully walked into the room as he went leaning over Fenrir. He didn't even look like the Fenrir he had met some time ago. He appeared more fragile even though at the same time he appeared ready to slice anyone's throat open. He was thinner, his cheeks starting to swell inward like his skin was rotting away, dark rings forming like he hadn't had time to sleep. Remus's eyes ran over Fenrir's body, looking at each and every cuts and bruises plastered on him. 

It was quite strange seeing Fenrir in this light. The kind that was showing him as a victim and not a savage beast. Remus had thought of Fenrir as many things, but victim never came to mind. In fact, he never thought Fenrir could be a victim of anything. How could he? He was one of the most savage, most strongest, most fearsome werewolf of them all. Who the hell would want or could try to mess with him in that manner? 

Remus's thoughts were cut short when Fenrir started to stir in his sleep. Suddenly his heart seemed to stop just as Fenrir's eyes slowly opened and landed right on him. For a moment they just stared at each other before Fenrir chuckled. 

"Hello, pup," Fenrir said, pushing himself up into a sitting position. Remus shook his head. 

"Don't call me that. You have no right to call me any nickname." Remus ordered him. Fenrir scoffed as he began to stretch his arms and yawned. 

"Fine, what are you doing here?" he asked. 

"Hermione had called Harry to help her with something and we came to help her... which I was shocked to find out is was to help you." Remus claimed. Fenrir chuckled. 

"Of course you did. So what are you doing here with me? I'm sure I'm the last person you would want to see." Fenrir asked him. Remus shrugged his shoulders. 

"The lady... um... Rose, I believe was her name told me I needed to forgive you for biting me when I was younger." Remus stated, lightly chuckling to himself at how stupid this whole thing was. Fenrir rolled his eyes. 

"I don't need your pitiful forgiveness. Not since your Pa made up most of the story to make him look better."  Fenrir claimed. Remus eyes widened as he felt anger rushing through him. How dare Fenrir call his father a liar! Especially about something like this. 

"I beg your pardon! He didn't lie!" Remus shot at him. Fenrir growled while pushing himself till he was sitting on the edge of the cot, glaring upward at Remus. 

"Yes he did! He said I went through your room's bloody window! I didn't even go through a window! I reach my hand through one to unlock the door, but I didn't go through it!" 

"What are you talking about? Why would anyone leave their window open at night?" 

"Because your mother was baking pies and had set them in the damn window to cool off. And I guess he told you that he and Mama were asleep? Well that's a lie too! They were up! Your mother was yelling at him about something, it was too muffled to hear exactly what they were arguing about." Fenrir screamed, slowly climbing his way on his feet to get taller than Remus, "And I'll tell you something else! I didn't go there to get you, I went there to talk with your prejudice father! I wanted him to take back what he had said about werewolves! I broke through the back door, and went storming in on their argument and was demanding he take it back. Then of course, little Remus had to wake up from all the screaming and come in. Just in time when I went to take a bite out of your father!" 

"But you didn't!" 

"Exactly! Because Lyle pushed you in front of me so I got to you!" Fenrir shouted. Remus was stunned with what Fenrir was accusing his father of doing. How could Fenrir stand there and accuse his father of such a horrible action. 

"You're lying. You're just saying this to make you look better. I'm not buying it." Remus shot at him. 

"I don't care what the hell you believe! I don't care if you think I'm lying or telling the truth about that night! All that matters to me is that I am telling the true. But if you're determined to find out the answer, I have proof." 


"I stole one of the pies from the window before I left and I kept the dish it was in." Fenrir stated. Remus's eyes widened as his mouth dropped to his chest. 

"You stole a pie?" 

"Yeah, they smelled wonderful." 

"You stole a pie!"

"Oh, here we go." Fenrir mumbled to himself as he began limping across the room with Remus repeating the damn phrase of 'You stole a pie!'. 

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