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"It was her. It was Aunt Jennifer!" Hermione shrieked while she paced in the middle of the living room as everyone sat down around them, "Mundungus confirms that it was Jennifer, who is behind all that happened." 

"That's only circumstance evidence, Hermione. We need real proof to confirm that it was here." Remus told her. Hermione glared at him. 

"A woman, who dresses in pink clothes and has five dogs and they happened to be two French and Three English bulldogs just like Jennifer isn't enough proof?" Hermione asked, rolling her eyes. Remus nodded. 

"Yeah. She could argue that she was there for other things and that Mundungus is throwing her under the bus to cover his ass. She also could argue that she doesn't even know Hagrid because I doubt that she ever met him." Tonks stated. Hermione groaned as she shook her head. 

"Then what do we do? We can't just let her get away with this?" Hermione asked brushing her hair to the side. Before anyone could speak, the door opened as Rose, Dorothy, Sophia, and Blanche walked in all dressed in formal clothes, appearing all depressed and almost like they were on the verge of giving something up. 

"Well, we're off to the courthouse. Scabior you want to come?" Sophia stated while she was heading to the door. Just as Scabior was grabbing hold of his jacket,  Hermione's mouth dropped. It was the day they were going to the courthouse to deal with Jennifer's complaint.  Hermione's eyes widened as she thought of an idea. 

"Is it okay if I come?" She asked. Everyone turned to look at her in confusion. 

"Why?" Remus asked her. 

"Because for one, I'm an eyewitness to Fenrir's abuse and two, I want to find another way to get her to admit what she had did to us." Hermione stated to them while she grabbed her coat and began to head out. Blanche raised her hand as she gently set it against Hermione's shoulders. 

"Just be careful if you're going to do something, honey. Aunt Jennifer might not look like it, but she's a resourceful woman who would go to any means to get what she wants. I know I've seen it and you all seen it as well. It's a surprise she was actually put in Gryffindor with me and not Slytherin. She's an embarrassment to the name of Gryffindor."  Blanche stated with a shake of disappointment. 

"Because the three other houses screamed 'Not it!' before Gryffindor could." Sophia claimed. Hermione chuckled as she nodded her head in understanding. 

"If Hermione's going, so are we." Harry stated before pulling Ginny and Harry behind him. 

"If they're going, then we should go too. In case something goes awry in their attempt to get proof of Jennifer's attack." Remus said while he, Tonks, Molly, and Arthur stood up from their seats as they headed towards them. 

"I think it's nice you all want to come, but someone has to watch Fenrir. We don't know if our house will be attacked next." Rose suggested to them. McGonagall stood up from her seat. 

"I'll watched him along with Hope." McGonagall stated to them as she and Hope stood beside each other. 

"Thank you so much. We're going to wish for a speedy trial. Now that we have everyone, lets get this over with, shall we?" Dorothy stated before motioning for them to come behind them. 

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