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A couple of weeks had passed and everyone of their friends has been finally informed of Scabior and Hermione's relationship. Of course, it was a mix of emotions with a lot of them. Some of her friends, like Professor McGonagall, Luna, Neville and Hagrid were happy for them. Others such as the Weasley family like Molly, Ginny, and Percy were upset and disturbed by the motion. Arthur, Bill, Charlie, and the Twins, were more concerned about the entire thing, given that Scabior is an ex-snatcher and all and wanted to ensure he wasn't doing this to play games. 

Harry was starting to warm up to the relationship and actually began to hang out with Scabior a bit more. It began to spark up when Harry learned Scabior had a strong love for Quidditch and began to swap stories of them playing for their houses' teams. Hermione actually came across them one day, laughing their heads off when Harry told Scabior how he caught his first golden snitch in his mouth.  Scabior replied with a story of how the seeker of the Slytherin team during his days had long, bushy hair that reach down to her waist and the snitch had got its wings caught in it. It resulted in the poor girl having to cut her hair to get the snitch out of it since it had been moving so badly that it really got itself tangle in it. 

Ron, however, spent his days sulking around the house. He didn't even try to speak with Scabior and stopped talking to Hermione except for the mumbles of insults about her relationship with Scabior. When Ron even heard that Harry was getting close with Scabior, Ron stopped talking with Harry and kept calling Harry a traitor for it. Hermione decided that if Ron wasn't going to warm up to her new relationship then she wasn't going to bother with being his friend. 

Another week went by and Hermione started to notice she was feeling a bit feverish. Ron of course teased her about getting an STD or something, which she made him suffer by slipping him some of Fred and Greoge's sweets that make one ill. She took some cold medicine and other potions she figure may help her, but nothing was working. Then a thought crossed her head as she remembered she and Scabior hadn't really been using condoms when they had sex. She slipped to the nearest muggle store where she bought a pregnancy test. She went to her parents' house to take it so that she didn't run into Harry or Ron or Scabior (especially Scabior). She didn't want to freak him out if she didn't have. So quietly as she could, she went to the bathroom where she took the test and slowly waited for the results. 

Her mind raced with scary thoughts. What if Scabior didn't want the baby? What if he left her if she was pregnant? What then? How could she be able to look at him while he went around taking care of them? She could bare the thoughts of him telling her that he didn't want to be a father and that they should break up with each other. She also feared of what her friends and family will say. Would they judge her? Would they harass her? She knew Ron was possibly going to so what stopped the others from it? 

Soon it became time for her to look and see the result. Picking up the test, she glanced and it read... 


A Recipe for Diaster (Harry Potter Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora